針對性 direction
是針對...的 be aimed at
明顯針對 in a apparent reference to
有針對性 well targeted
針對...來講 quoted for
針對論題 to the question
針對人的 manward
是針對...來講 be quoted for
是針對...說的 be a shot at
針對...而提的 in allied to
針對病因的 etiotropic
針對個人的 personal
直接針對...的 dead against ; dead-set against
直接針對著 be dead ahead
針對社會問題的 sociological
是針對...來講的 stated for
針對...反傾消案件 anti%2Ddumping case against
針對所討論的題目 to the question
[拼音]:zhēn duì
[解釋]:aim against; refer to; contrapose; aim at; a shot at; aimed at; direct towards ; point to; 1.to be directed against; to be aimed at; to counter 2.in the light of; in accordance with; in connection with ; against; contraposition; in allusion to; in connection with/directed towards/to direct at/to aim at/to point against
[參考詞典]:漢英綜合大詞典 漢英綜合科技大辭典 漢英綜合大詞典 漢英航海大詞典 漢英綜合大詞典