當前位置:成語大全網 - 英語詞典 - miss是什麽意思


miss1 [mis]


1. 未擊中;未抓住:例句: The batter missed the ball.

擊球員未擊中球。The goalkeeper just missed the ball.

守門員差壹點撲住球。2. 沒找到,沒遇到:例句: He missed her in the crowd.

他沒有在人群中看到她。She went to the station to meet her husband, but missed.

她到車站接丈夫,可是人群中沒有見到他。3. 未達到(某處);未接觸到:例句: She missed the deck and landed in the water.

她未能跳到甲板上,而掉入水中。4. 未聽到;未看到;未註意到;未體驗:例句: We missed the start of the movie.

我們沒看到電影的開頭部分。I missed what you said.

我沒聽到妳說的話。5. 未趕上:例句: to miss a flight

沒趕上班機6. 未領會,未理解:例句: You've completely missed the point of his argument.

妳完全沒有領會他的論點。She had missed his point entirely.

她完全沒有領會他的意思。7. 失約;缺勤;缺課;未出席:例句: She's missed school two days this week.

本周她缺課兩天。8. 未得到;未獲得:例句: to miss a gold medal

未得金牌9. 錯過,失卻:例句: I don't want to miss seeing that film on television tonight.

我不想錯過今晚在電視上看那部影片的機會。10. 發現遺失,發覺某人不在身邊:例句: When did you first miss your purse?

妳是何時開始發現丟了錢包的?11. 惦念,因沒有…而感到遺憾:例句: Her children have gone to America, and she missed them very much.

孩子們去了美國,她非常惦記他們。12. 逃脫,幸免於:例句: The speeding car barely missed the pedestrian.

疾馳的汽車差點撞上那個行人。The two planes missed disaster by a matter of inches when they nearly collided.

兩架飛機在幾乎要相撞時,以毫厘之差擦身而過,險些釀成壹場災難。13. 未做到:例句: The arrow missed the target.

箭未能射中靶子。14. 略去,省掉,漏掉:例句: You've missed two words.

妳漏掉了兩個詞。15. [壹般用進行時態]缺少:例句: Her shoes are missing shoelaces.



1. 打偏;打不中;未接觸到:例句: The bullet missed.

子彈打偏了。barely miss being hit

差壹點被擊中2. 未達到目的,失敗:例句: a joke that somewhat missed the mark

沒有使人發笑的笑話3. (內燃機)不發火,缺火:例句: The machine missed.

機器發動不起來。4. 病理學婦女停經,絕經5. [古語]未獲得;未找到;未達到(of)


1. 失誤,擊不中2. 失敗3. [方言]缺少;失去;因缺少而產生的遺憾(或不便)4. 幸免,逃脫5. (內燃機)不發火;缺火6. [口語]小產,流產7. 不受歡迎的唱片8. 臺球不擊中目標球
