我有朋友住在香港。 I have friends who live in Hong Kong.
李教授總是站著講課。 Professor Lee always gives lessons while standing.
讓我們打開窗戶,換換新鮮空氣。 Let me open the windows to get some fresh air.
他常帶學生到工廠參觀。 He often brings students to visit the factory.
他拿了壹本字典,開始準備功課。 He took a dictionary and got ready to do his homework.
孩子們跑著來迎接我們。 The children can to welcome us.
下星期他準備坐飛機回家探親。 He plans fly back to visit his family next week.
他想打電話約她找個時間談談。 He wants to call and make an appointment with her to discuss sometime.
我記得他去過那裏。 I remember being his place.