當前位置:成語大全網 - 古籍修復 - 靈隱和六和塔的英語介紹拜托各位大神


靈隱:靈隱寺建於公元326年,是我國禪宗十剎之壹。 靈隱寺建築雄偉,氣勢宏大;大雄寶殿中的釋迦牟尼帖金木雕像高19.6米, 由香樟木雕塑而成。 靈隱寺前的飛來峰石刻佛像有470多尊。造型生動,各具特色 ,是全國重點文物保護單位。------------------------- Lingyin Temple was built in 326 AD, is one of China's Zen brake 10. Lingyin building majestic, mighty; Great Buddha Sakyamuni in the quote as high 19.6 meters gold carvings, sculptures made by Xiang Zhangmu. 六和塔:六和塔建於北宋年間,當年是為了鎮住錢塘江潮水而興建的。塔從外面看是13層,但實際內部只有7層。乾隆皇帝為每層都提了字。塔高59.89米,是我國磚木結構的著名古塔之壹。---------------------------------- Pagoda of Six Harmonies built in Northern Song dynasty, the year was built in order to quell the tide of the Qiantang River. Tower is a 13-story view from the outside, but the actual house is only 7-layer. Emperor Qianlong have made a word for each layer. 59.89 meters high tower is a famous ancient pagoda in China, one of brick-wood structure. 費了我很大的勁呢!~~~所以采納下咯