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Gerald’s voice was strangely quiet and he spoke slowly as if drawing his words from a store of thought seldom used.


“It’s only Ashley you’re wanting

and you’ll not be having him. And if he wanted to marry you

‘ould be with misgivings that I’d say Yes

for an the fine friendship that’s beeen me and John Wilkes.” And

seeing her startled look

he continued: “I want my girl to be happy and you wouldn’t be happy with him.”



I would! I would!”


“That you would not

daughter. Only when like marries like can there be any happiness.”


Scarlett had a sudden treacherous desire to cry out

“But you’ve been happy

and you and Mother aren’t alike

” but she repressed it

fearing that he would box her ears for her impertinence .


“Our people and the Wilkes are different

” he went on slowly

fumbling for words. “The Wilkes are different from any of our neighbors—different from any family I ever knew. They are queer folk

and it’s best that they marry their cousins and keep their queerness to themselves.”




Ashley is not—”


“Hold your whist

Puss! I said nothing against the lad

for I like him. And when I say queer

it’s not crazy I’m meaning. He’s not queer like the Calverts who’d gamble everything they have on a horse

or the Tarletons who turn out a drunkard or o in every litter

or the Fontaines who are hot-headed little brutes and after murdering a man for a fancied slight. That kind of queerness is easy to understand

for sure

and but for the grace of God Gerald O’Hara would be having all those faults! And I don’t mean that Ashley would run off with another woman

if you were his wife

or beat you. You’d be happier if he did

for at least you’d be understanding that. But he’s queer in other ways

and there’s no understanding him at all. I like him

but it’s neither heads nor tails I can make of most he says. Now


tell me true

do you understand his folderol about books and poetry and music and oil paintings and such foolishness?”


cherous adj. 背信棄義的,叛逆的,不可靠的,危險的

He is treacherous to his friends.


ess[ri'pres] v. 抑制,鎮壓,壓制

His childhood was repressed and solitary.


rtinence n. 無禮,魯莽,不恰當

I've had enough of your impertinence.


le vi. 摸索,笨手笨腳地做 vt. 笨拙地做,弄亂,失球 n. 摸索,失球,漏接球

She is fumbling the light switch.


rness n. 奇妙,不快

His action for some week have give indication of queerness.


kard n. 酒鬼

The drunkard staggered along the street.


erol n. 無用的附件