(Latin: placing, setting; to place, to put)
1. A formal ecclesiastical curse accompanied by excommunication.
2. Someone or something that is greatly disliked or detested and is therefore shunned.
3. Someone or something which is cursed, denounced, or excommunicated by a religious authority.
4. A curse from a religious authority that denounces something or excommunicates someone.
5. Etymology: from Latin anathema, "an excommunicated person, the curse of excommunication"; from Greek anathema, "a thing accursed"; originally, "a thing devoted". Literally, "a thing set up (to the gods)" from ana-, "up" + tithenai, "to place".
The formal act of pronouncing (someone or something) accursed.
1. To formally curse, to denounce, or to excommunicate someone or something.
2. To curse or to declare to be evil or anathema or to threaten with divine punishment.
1. The complete or exact opposite of something; opposition; contrast: "His behavior is the antithesis of right and wrong."
2. A use of words or phrases that contrast with each other to create a balanced effect: "Give me liberty or give me death."
3. A proposition that is the opposite of another already proposed thesis.
4. Etymology: from Late Latin antithesis, from Gk. antithesis "opposition," lit. "a placing against," noun of action from antitithenai, "to set against, to oppose"; a term in logic, from anti-, "against" + tithenai, "to place".
1. A pharmacy, drugstore, or a place where medical prescriptions can be filled and stored.
2. From Latin apotheca "storehouse"; which came from Greek apotheke "storehouse". Literally, "a place where things are put away", from apo- "away" + tithenai "to put".
1. A small retail shop that specializes in gifts, fashionable clothes, accessories, or food, for example.
2. A small shop located within a large department store or supermarket.
3. A small business offering specialized products and services.
4. Etymology: from Old French botique, "small shop"; from Old Proven鏰l botica, from Latin apothca, "storehouse". Related to the etymological origin of apothecary.
1. A susceptibility to a disease or set of diseases such as allergies or gout.
2. A constitutional predisposition or tendency, as to a particular disease or affection.
3. A constitution or condition of the body which makes the tissues react in special ways to certain extrinsic stimuli and therefore tends to make a person more than usually susceptible to certain diseases.
4. Etymology: from Greek, "disposition, condition"; from diatithenai, diathe-, "to dispose"; from, dia-, "through, across" + tithenai, "to place".
epithet (EP i thet", EP uh thet")
1. A descriptive name or title given to express some quality considered characteristic of a person or thing; such as, "Richard, the Lion Hearted" or "America, the Beautiful".
2. Sometimes a disparaging name; such as, "egghead" for someone who is an intellectual.
3. Etymology: from epitithenai, "to add on"; from epi-, "in addition" + tithenai, "to put".
Strictly speaking, an epithet is not necessarily derogatory, but the term is commonly used as a simple synonym for some term of abuse or slur: "There is no place for racial epithets in a radio, or TV, program."
epithetic, epithetical
1. Any word or phrase applied to a person or thing to describe an actual or attributed quality: "Richard the Lion-Hearted" is an epithet of Richard I.
2. A characterizing word or phrase firmly associated with a person or thing and often used in place of an actual name, title, or the like; such as, "man's best friend" when referring to a "dog".
3. A word, phrase, or expression used invectively as a term of abuse or contempt, to express hostility, etc.
1. A tentative theory about the natural world; a concept that is not yet verified but that if true it would explain certain facts or phenomena.
2. A proposal intended to explain certain facts or observations.
3. A message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence.
4. Etymology: from Middle French hypothese, from Late Latin hypothesis, from Greek hypothesis, "base, basis of an argument, supposition". Literally, "a placing under", from hypo-, "under" + thesis, "a placing, proposition".
1. To theorize, speculate, guess, suppose, and to presume.
2. To give a possible but not yet proved explanation for something
1. Of, relating to, or based on a hypothesis: a hypothetical situation.
2. Suppositional; uncertain; conditional; contingent.
Replacement of the central area of an opacified (opaque, unclear) cornea by plastic.
1. A reversal of the order of two sounds or letters in a word, either as a mispronunciation or as a historical development.
2. A "rhetorical transposition of words"; from Greek, then Late Latin metathesis, "change of position, transposition"; from the stem of metatithenai, "to transpose" from meta-, "to change" + tithenai, "to place, to set".
parenthesis (s), parentheses (pl)
1. One of a pair of shallow, curved signs, ( ), used to enclose an additional inserted word or comment and to distinguish it from the sentence in which it is found.
2. Either, or both, of the upright curved lines, ( ), used to mark off explanatory or qualifying remarks in writing or printing or to enclose a sum, product, or other expression considered or treated as a collective entity in a mathematical operation.
3. A word or phrase that comments on, or qualifies part of the sentence, in which it is found and is isolated from it by parentheses or dashes.
4. A piece of speech or writing that wanders off from the main topic.
5. Something that acts as a pause or a break in something.
6."In parenthesis" may refer to an additional qualifying, explanatory, or otherwise separate comment.
7. Etymology: "words, clauses, etc. inserted into a sentence", from Middle French parenth鑣e, from Late Latin parenthesis, "addition of a letter to a syllable in a word"; from Greek parenthesis. Literally, "a putting in beside", from parentithenai, "put in beside"; from para-, "beside" + en-, "in" + tithenai, "to put, to place".
Related word families intertwined with "to place, placing, to put; to add; to stay; to attach" word units: fix-; pon-; prosth-; stato-.
To put in, to insert, to add, or to throw in an additional statement, often as an ad lib which is something thought of and said on the spur of the moment.
prosthesis (s), prostheses (pl)
1. An artificial device used to replace a missing body part, such as a limb, tooth, eye, or heart valve.
2. Replacement of a missing body part by an artificial substitute; such as, an artificial extremity.
3. A device to augment performance of a natural function; such as, a hearing aid.
4. In linguistics, the addition of a letter or a syllable to a word.
5. The "addition of a letter" or "syllable to a word"; from Late Latin, from Greek prosthesis, "addition" from prostithenai, "add to", from pros, "to" + tithenai, "to put, to place". The reference to "artificial body part" is first recorded in 1706.
prothesis (s), protheses (pl)
1. The addition of a sound or sounds at the beginning of a word to make the word easier to pronounce.
2. In the Eastern Orthodox Church, the preparations for the offering of Communion.
synthesis (s), syntheses (pl)
1. The combination of ideas into a complex whole.
2. The process of producing a chemical compound (usually by the union of simpler chemical compounds).
3. Reasoning from the general to the particular (or from cause to effect).
4. A new unified whole resulting from the combination of different ideas, influences, or objects.
5. The process of combining different ideas, influences, or objects into a new whole.
6. The formation of compounds through one or more chemical reactions involving simpler substances.
7. The production of music or speech using an electronic synthesizer.
8. The expression of syntactic relationships by means of inflections rather than word order or prepositions and other function words.
9. In Hegelian philosophy, the new idea that resolves the conflict between the initial proposition thesis and its negation antithesis.
1. An intellectual who synthesizes or uses synthetic methods.
2. Someone who composes or combines parts or elements so as to form a whole.
1. Made artificially by chemical synthesis, especially so as to resemble a natural product.
2. Not of natural origin; prepared, or made, artificially.
3. Not genuine, especially expressed but not genuinely felt: "He made synthetic expressions of sympathy."
4. A description of a proposition whose truth or falsity is a matter of facts and not merely a matter of the meaning of the words in the sentence.
5. A description of a language that expresses syntactic relationships by means of inflections rather than word order or prepositions and other function words.
6. Etymology: via French or modern Latin from Greek sunthetikos, "component", from sunthetos, "combined".
1. the subject of a discourse, discussion, piece of writing, or artistic composition.
2. A distinct, recurring, and unifying quality or idea: "Efficiency will be the theme of this energy organization."
3. A melody that is repeated, often with variations, throughout a piece of music; such as, one of the themes of the concerto.
4. A song or tune that is played at the beginning, or end of, or during, a movie or television program and is identified with it: "We always loved to hear the theme from "The Magnificent Seven".
5. A short essay or written exercise for a student.
6. Etymology: from Old French tesme; from Latin thema, "a subject, a thesis"; from Greek thema, "a proposition, a subject, a deposit". Literally, "something set down", from the root of tithenai, "to put down, to place".
A reference to a thesaurus or a list of subject headings or descriptors usually with a cross-reference system for use in the organization of a collection of documents for reference and retrieval.
thesauri (or thesauruses)
The plural form of thesaurus.
thesauros (s), thesauroi (pl)
A treasury much like a naiskos (small Greek temple or shrine) and located in a temenos as storage of the valuables of foreign states. There is an elaborate series of thesauroi in Delphi leading up to the sacred way.
A temenos relates to Greek antiquity, the enclosure of a sanctuary, the holy ground belonging to the god and governed by special rules, or the sacred precinct at a cult center; containing the altar, temple, and other features.
There might be numerous buildings for the main cult and a series of thesauroi, stoas (classical Greek building with a long open colonnade), and dedications from worshipers. In Egyptian architecture, loosely applied to the area within the enclosure wall of a temple.
thesaurus (s)
1. A book that lists words related to each other in meaning, usually giving synonyms and antonyms.
2. A dictionary of words relating to a particular subject.
3. A place in which valuable things are stored.
4. Etymology: from 1823, "treasury, storehouse"; from Latin thesaurus "treasury, treasure"; from Greek thesauros, "a treasure, treasury, storehouse, chest"; from root of tithenai "to put, to place".
The meaning "encyclopedia filled with information" is from 1840, but it existed earlier as thesaurarie (1592), used as a title by early dictionary compilers. The meaning, "collection of words arranged according to sense" is first attested 1852 in Roget's title. Thesaur is attested in Middle English with the meaning, "treasure" (about 15th century-16th century).
1. An unproved statement put forward as a premise in an argument; a proposition advanced as an argument.
2. A dissertation based on original research, especially as work toward an academic degree.
Other words for long research papers include: "treatise, dissertation, monograph, disquisition, research, essay", or "investigation".
3. A treatise advancing a new point of view resulting from research; usually a requirement for an advanced academic degree.
4. An "unaccented syllable" or "note", from Latin thesis, "unaccented syllable in poetry"; later "a stressed part of a metrical foot", from Greek thesis, "a proposition"; also, "downbeat" (in music).
Originally, "a setting down" or "placing"; from root of tithenai, "to place, to put, to set".
thesmothete, Thesmothete
A law-maker; a law-giver.
A thesmothete was a legislator, originally any of the six inferior archons [chief magistrates] in ancient Athens. The Oxford English Dictionary defines thesmothete as: "Each of the six inferior archons in ancient Athens, who were judges and law-givers; hence, one who lays down the law" and a thesmophilist is "someone who loves the law".
Thesmos is "that which is laid down, the law".
thetic, thetical, thetically
1. In classical poetry, relating to or having stress.
2. Constituting or beginning with a poetic thesis.
3. Etymology: from Greek thetikos, thetos, "placed, stressed"; tithenai, "to place".
Ubi est thesaurus tuus, ibi est et cor tuum.
Where your treasure is, there is your heart also. [Vulgate, Matthew 6:21].
Related word families intertwined with "to place, placing, to put; to add; to stay; to attach" word units: fix-; pon-; prosth-; stato-.