waind](wound[wa nd; waund])不及物動詞1 蜿蜒,曲折,紆曲The river ~s to the bay.那條河彎彎曲曲地流入海灣A path wound up [down] the valley.壹條小徑沿著山谷蜿蜒而上[下]The steamer ~s in and out among the
islands.那汽船在島嶼間時顯時隱地迂回前進2 纏繞,纏住[…] [about,around,round]Some climbing plant has wound about the
pole.某種藤蔓植物纏繞在那根柱子上3 上 <鐘表的> 發條This watch ~s easily.這個表容易上發條及物動詞1 a. 上緊 <螺絲、鐘表的發條>~ up one's watch上緊某人手表的發條b. (旋轉把手等) 轉動~ down a window把 (車子的) 窗子搖下~ up a bucket from [out of] a well (旋轉絞盤) 把水桶自井中吊上來2 a. 繞,卷 <毛線等>~ yarn卷紗,繞毛線b. 卷繞 <線、繩子等> [於…上][to]~ a rope (on) to a stick把繩索卷繞於木棒上c. 卷繞 <毛線等> [成…][into]Wool is wound (up) into a ball.毛線被卷成壹個球狀3a. [用…]將 <嬰兒、身體等> 包緊,層層包起[in, with]She wound her baby in her shawl.她將嬰兒裹在披肩裏His right leg was wound with a supporter.他的右腿裹著繃帶b. 將…繞 [於嬰兒、身體等] [about,around,round]She wound her shawl round her baby.她用披肩裹著嬰兒The girl wound her arms about her mother.那個女孩用雙臂抱住她的母親4 [~ one's way]迂回前進,蜿蜒而流They wound their way through the narrow
valley.他們在狹窄的山谷中迂回前進The river ~s its way to the sea.那條河彎彎曲曲地流向大海5 [~ oneself 或 ~ one's way] 討 [某人的喜歡等]
[into]He wound himself [his way] into his boss's
confidence.他以巧妙的手段贏得了老板的信任wind down(1) → v.t. 1b(2) 逐漸結束 [終止] <事業、活動等>The company is ~ing down operations in
England.那家公司逐漸結束在英國的營業(3) <鐘表等的 (發條) > 松弛My watch has wound down.我手表的發條已經松了(4)<人> (在活動後到平靜下來這段時間的) 休息,放松wind off解開 <卷著的東西> ,攤開wind a person (a) round one's little finger →
fingerwind up(1) → v.t. 1(2) 使<人> (在精神上) 緊張,使…振作,使…興奮The man was wound up to a fury.那個人大發雷霆Now, now ! Don't get too wound up.好了,好了 ! 別那樣緊張了(3) 結束 <說話、聚會等> [by,
with]Now, let's ~ up this evening with the national
anthem.現在,就讓我們以國歌來結束這個晚會He wound up his speech by announcing that he
would fight it out.他以宣布他會奮戰到底來結束他的演講(4) 結束 <店、公司等的營業> ,解散,清算~ up one's affairs (停業前) 清理業務(5) <談話、開會等> 終止,結束[with]The story ~s up with a happy ending.那個故事以快樂的結局收場(6)<公司等>解散(7) 結果 (以…) 收場He wound up in jail.結果他鋃鐺入獄You'll ~ up feeling disappointed.妳最後會感到失望(8)‘棒球’<投手>在投球前揮轉手臂可數名詞1 彎曲,蜿蜒,曲折2 (鐘表、線等的) 繞卷壹次,壹圈wind[waInd, wInd;
waind]及物動詞( ~.ed,wound [wa nd; waund])(文語.詩)1 吹 <號角、喇叭等> (blow)2 (吹) <信號等> 通知, (吹) 出<聲音>wind[wInd;
wind]不可數名詞1 [常 the ~; 與 much,no 等表示程度的形容詞連用時為(U); 與形容詞連用而指種類時為(C)] (強) 風a cold ~冷風a north ~北風a blast of ~壹陣 (強) 風a seasonal ~季風a fair [contrary] ~順 [逆] 風constant ~s恒風variable ~s方向不定的風~ and weather風雨run like the ~ (像風般) 疾馳,急行The ~ was rising [falling].風正吹起 [平靜下去]There wasn't much [was no] ~ this morning.今晨風勢不大 [全然無風]the ~ of a speeding car疾駛的車子引起的風 [風壓]2 (腸、胃內的) 氣體The baby is troubled with ~.那嬰兒因氣脹而不舒服break [make] ~ (委婉語)放屁3 [常 one's ~,the ~; 又作 a ~] 氣息,呼吸→ second windget [recover] one's ~喘 (壹口) 氣,喘息lose one's ~喘不過氣have a good [bad] ~呼吸順暢[困難],呼吸長[短]Running took all the ~ out of [from] me.我跑得上氣不接下氣The blow knocked the ~ out of me.那壹擊打得我透不過氣來4 (口語)空話,廢話His promises are merely ~.他的諾言僅是空話5[the ~; 集合稱]‘音樂’ (交響樂的) 管樂器; 管樂器演奏者The ~ was [were] playing too loud.在演奏的 (交響樂) 管樂器聲音太大before the wind(1)‘航海’順風向run [sail] before the ~ <船> 順風行駛(2) 順利地between wind and water(1)‘航海’在 (船的) 吃水線部位(2) 在要害處,在易受損害的部位down the wind在下風,順風方向fling ? to the winds(1) 使…任風吹走(2) 把…拋到九霄雲外,置之不顧,不再考慮fling caution to the ~s變得大膽; 冒險get the wind up(口語)吃驚,嚇壹跳,害怕get wind of ?聽到… (的風聲) ,風聞…; 察覺get ~ of a plot察覺某項陰謀hang in the wind(1) 未作決定(2) <生死、結果等> 不確定,不明have ? in the wind(1) 嗅出<獵物>(2) 聽到…的風聲,察覺到…in the teeth of the wind冒著風,逆風in the wind(1)‘航海’在上風(2) 即將發生,醞釀中; (秘密地) 進行There is something in the ~.有事即將發生 [在醞釀中]off the wind‘航海’順風航行on the[a]wind逆風,頂風put the wind up a person(口語)使<人>嚇壹跳,使<人>害怕sail near [close to] the wind(1)<船>逆風 [搶風] 航行(2) 幾乎犯規 [犯法,出事]see how [which way] the wind blows[lies](1) 知道風向(2) 知道輿論的動向 [趨勢]sound in wind and limb完全健康take the wind out of a person's sails(在議論等中) 先發制人, [搶先下手] 而占上風,使對方出洋相the four winds → fourthrow ? to the winds = fling to the winds →wind
成語under the wind‘航海’在下風up the wind逆風,迎著風with the wind(1) 隨著風gone with the ~隨風飄散(2) =before the WIND及物動詞1 給…吹風,使…透風 [通風]2 使<人>喘氣,使…呼吸急促I was quite ~ed from running all the way to
school.我因壹路跑到學校而幾乎喘不過氣來3 使<馬>喘口氣