As follows:
Pick to: vocabulary learning is an important part of learning English vocabulary will directly influence the students, English ability of development. By memory rule, scientifically vocabulary memory to the accumulation of vocabulary as the breakthrough, comprehensively improve my English level is English learning a important task.
Keywords: memorizing words method to learn English
Word is one of the three elements of a language, vocabulary memory is the primary basis of learning English well. The British famous linguists D.A.W ilkins once said: no grammar, people can't express a lot of things, and no vocabulary, people are unable to express any thing. Vocabulary is the basis of other skills and master the enough vocabulary, listening, reading, writing, etc to is guaranteed.
English vocabulary learning lies in getting the most basic word memory. Hundreds of thousands of English vocabulary, can use but oddment just, shakeespeare also USES the 20,000 to a word. American the thorndike professor had according to ordinary newspapers articles for less commonly used words appear rate statistics results: the most commonly used 3000 words appear rate of 97.66 ℅ this elucidation, mastering 3000 commonly used words appear particularly important.
English vocabulary learning lies repetition. Has studied the word, if not often repeat, will soon forget, this is a very natural thing. Therefore, studying English is in there will always be people who'll forget the premise, through repeated memory, will firmly printed words in mind.
First met some new words, don't blindly the dictionary. Should first analyze the composition of encountered by the new words and see which whether contains you have already learned words or familiar part, from known launch unknown. Accurate pronunciation can not only help to improve listening comprehension, and standard spelling words plays a vital role.
Don't put the learn English hopes on complete and systematic study, and don't rely on chunk of their time. Because the brain does not computer, systematically, a large number of geological, will also systematically, a large quantity of forget.
Pay attention to the overall understanding many people in English study not good at English words and phrases in particular language environment are understood and memory, but ChanDaYi, a word a word to understand, to memory. Thus they have meaning is isolated and unilateral and narrow, to understand and grasp the meaning is also very inflexible limited. Such as: "D r. koope language as for a year by our free on behalf the 2000." Separate the pronunciations of words is likely to put this sentence understood as "dr cooper call before the year 2000 to build a free (or freedom) smoking America". Understand so obviously and the theme antipathetic. The understand error because the sentences "f stable ree" one word meaning "freedom of commonly used", "free" and don't know... "and" without meaning. This sentence should be "dr cooper call before the year 2000 to build a no smoking America." learners should learn new words in the sentence, look at it in sentence what ingredients, thus know their parts of speech, see it in the paper how explanation, thus know its meaning; See it before and what is tie-in, thus to master its fixed usage. Through the above method mastery of the word is "live" rather than "death". It will ensure you said it is authentic English, read out was accurate sentences, the written expression is intact. To improve listening, speaking, reading and writing ability. Thus, pay attention to integral memory and understanding is very necessary.
掌握新單詞的反義詞。反義詞指意思與另壹詞相反的詞。學反義詞同樣也可以幫助妳增加詞匯量,例如,"bad'和” good'就是兩個反義詞。
在單詞教學中,盡可能把新、舊單詞從同義、反義、同音異義、同形異義等方面進行聯系對比,使學生在學習新單詞同時又復習了舊單詞,印象更深,記憶更牢固。?如同義詞:must-siould-ought(應該) listen-hear(聽), begin-start(開始),ask-request-solicit(請求)等。?反義詞:tall-short, ahead-behind。 woman—man,young-old, up-down, befor e-after?
同音異義詞:hear-here, see-sea, right-write, no-know,too-two, for-four, sun-son, meat-meet,their-there等。同形異義詞:arm手臂,arm武器(常用arms):light輕輕的、淡淡的,light光亮的等等。?近形詞:bike-like,big-pig,how-cow. hear-near,boat-coat,night-right等。?
①詞頭un-表示“不”“無”“非”,able能- unable不能,happy快樂-unhappy不快樂。?
②詞尾加er表示“人”“者”,如:teach教,teacher教師;read讀, roader讀者;works作,worker工人; fight戰鬥fighter戰士;speak說話,speaker說話人。③形容詞詞尾:beautiful美的,careful細心的,thankful,感謝的?④-ly副詞詞尾:greatly大大地,quickly迅速地,badly很壞地?⑤-th序數詞詞尾:ninth第九,eighth第八?⑥復合詞:blackboard黑板,workshop車間,afternoon下午,classmate同班者,note---book筆記本, bare-foot赤腳的,meeting-room會議室,man- made人造 ?
4.歸納與綜合當學習並積累了不少詞匯的時候,為了更好地鞏固下來並掌握其用法,就有必要做做歸納與綜合的工作了。這樣就 f可以加深鞏固對單詞的識別和記憶。如與time有關的單詞有:cententury-year-season-fmoilth-week-day-night-hour-minute-second;由season可引出sprins、summer、autumn、winter;由month可引出:January、February、March、April、May、June、July、August、September、October、November、 f December;由week又可引出Monday、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday、Saturday、Sunday.?
又如:與文具有關的單詞有:pencil鉛筆 ballipen圓珠筆brush畫筆chalk粉筆 rubber橡皮paper紙ink墨水 ruler尺子 compasses圓規 school bag書包。
6.及時復習怎麽復習才能收到事半功倍的效果呢?這裏主要提兩點: 6.1正確地分配復習時間。根據遺忘的規律:先快後慢。先多後少來安排復習時間,先集中復習大約要十五分鐘後,分散復習只用1分鐘就夠了。這樣分散時間復習會提高記憶的效率。還有復習只有在遺忘還沒有開始的時候才更有效。6.2方式方法要多樣化。復習單訶不應該壹次緊跟壹次的“舊調重彈”或者壹口氣念十幾二十遍。這樣單調、機械的重復會產生枯燥、乏味、厭煩的情緒,容易引起大腦的抑制。最好采取多種多樣的方式。如:朗誦短句,聽錄音,做練習,中英文互譯,適當地泛讀壹些簡易讀物。還可以成立學習小組進行會話、講故事、做遊戲等。隨著科學的發展、電子技術日新月異的進步,為掌握單詞提供了電化設備。如:看電視、聽外文廣播、看外文電影等,這些先進的工具都為我們迅速掌握外語、記住大量詞匯服務。此外,還可以利用壹些名句、詩句來幫助我們記單詞。如:No smoke without fire.無風不起浪。A friend in need is afriend in deed.患難見真情。He laugh s bes t who laughs last.事未到頭先勿得意。where there is a will,three is a way.有誌者事竟成。?