中學 secondary school/middle school/junior high
社區大學 district university
專業方向 targetting career
人文學科 Humanities
私立大學 private university
不是所有的學生都有高中畢業文憑 not all the students have a high school diploma/ not all the students are high school graduates
在美國,社區大學都有公費的 in USA, the district universities are publicly-funded
職業學校為學生提供各種職業培訓 The vocational schools provide specific career trainings for the students
本次會議要開三個小時 this meeting will last for three hours
中小學教育 elementary/ middle school education
學區 school areas/ school districts
宗教團體 religious groups
朝不同的方向 going to different directions
學士學位 Bachelor's degree
飼養動物 animal breeding
美國的許多中小學課程跟中國相似 in USA, many elementary school's education curriculum are similar to china
這本字典跟那本字典有什麽不同嗎 is this dictionary different from that one?
有些大學生準備畢業後從事農業 some university graduates are going into agriculture
我對互聯網略之壹二 i know something about internet