1.Find a radio station broadcasting in the language you are studying.
2.Try a few different stations until you find one(s) that seem to work best.
Skip the loudmouth DJs who probably don't make much sense even to those who do speak the language. For learning the language, you'll be better off if you can find a station that focuses more on things like news, weather, and call-in advice programs.
3.Set aside some time each day to listen.
Even if you only listen for five or ten minutes each day, you'll still be exposed to the language, and that's what you are trying to do.
4.Don't worry if you don't understand anything at first.
If you're only getting the occasional word, you're still getting something. Even if you don't understand a word, you're still hearing the intonation and rhythm, the sound and the flow of the language. As you progress, you'll get better at picking out words and interpreting their meanings as they flow past at the speed of speech. This intonation and rhythm is also part of the accent that you will develop.
剛開始妳可能只能聽懂零星的幾個單詞,但是妳還是能學到些東西的。即使妳壹個單詞都不懂也沒關系,因為妳在聽語音語調和節奏,妳在聽語言的聲音和旋律。隨著妳不斷進步, 當單詞以演講的速度出現時,妳會很快的把它從句子中挑出來並說出它的意思。語調和節奏也是口音中妳會學到的東西。
5. Use any contextual clues available to you to begin to understand what you hear.
One place to start is to listen to things that repeat.
6.Use contextual clues from the radio website.
If you're listening to Internet radio, see if the website has any shows as podcasts so that you can back up and listen to a segment several times. The repetition in listening is an important part of learning accurately.
7.Don't worry about skipping words you don't know, especially at first.
Looking up every word (even if you can spell it) is a motivation killer and it's not too effective for remembering the words. At this point, you're listening for language in general anyway, not because you actually need the details of each caller's question.
8.Try to understand a little more each time you listen.
One day, you might figure out that what you're hearing is a weather report. Over the next days, challenge yourself to pick out the words for "sun" or "rain" or "degrees," and so on. Over time, work up to understanding more and more what the weather forecast is in the place where the radio station is based.
有壹天,妳發現自己在聽的是天氣預報。再過幾天,挑戰壹下,從聽到的內容裏找出“晴”、“雨”或“度” 等單詞。再過壹段時間,妳會逐漸發展,對電臺當地的天氣了解得越來越多。
9.Be patient and persistent.
Languages are not small or simple, and learning an new language is a lifetime endeavor. Learn a few words today, any way you learn them, and learn a few more tomorrow. Eventually they will grow to add up to meaning, and it will get easier to understand, and to add on to what you can understand.
10.Most of all, have fun.
If it's drudgery, it will be hard to make yourself do it every day. If it's fun, a game, a puzzle, something you look forward to, then you'll be listening to more and richer broadcasts as the months and years go by, and one day you'll realize you understood the whole show!