there may have some missing parts
please five. Here are some basic equipments: 1 Thermometer 溫度計 2 Bunsen burner 本生燈 3 Tripod 三腳架 4 Glass rod 玻璃攪拌棒 5 Beaker 燒杯 6 Safety spectacles 安全眼鏡 7 Measuring cylinder 量筒 8 Evaporating dish 用來燒liquid的碟 9 Watch glass 觀察碟 10 Tongs 夾 11 Wire gauze 絲紗網 12 Test tube 試管 13 Test tube holder 試管夾 14 Filter funnel 過濾漏鬥 15 Chemical spoon 匙羹 16 Microscope 顯微鏡 17 Heat-proof mat 防熱板 *The Chinese trlation may not be 100% correct
I hope you can get the meaning.
參考: Myself(Chinese trlation: Dictionary)
dropper = 滴管; 點滴器 conical flask = 圓錐形的(實驗用的)燒瓶 reagent bottle= 試劑瓶 stand = (5知點講
壹定有呢個字!!!sor~~~) thermometer =溫度計 clamp = 螺絲鉗
夾鉗 beaker =燒杯 wire gauze = 細格金屬絲網 tripod =三腳架 bunsen burner = 本生燈(用作來燒野) heat- proof mat =防火墊 glass rod =玻璃棒 spatula = 小鏟 measuring cylinder = 圓筒 (用來量度) gas jar = 寬口的)瓶 filter funner = 漏鬥 以上的中文只作參考 hope i can help you la !!!!!!!!!!!=]=]
參考: me