1、世界上的壹切光榮和驕傲 , 都來自母親.(高爾基)
All the world of glory and pride from his mother.(Golgi)?
Motherly love is a huge flame.(Romain Rolland)?
3、世界上有壹種最美麗的聲音 , 那便是母親的呼喚.(但丁)
The world there is a most beautiful voice,and that is the call of the mother.(Dante)?
4、慈母的胳膊是慈愛構成的 , 孩子睡在裏面怎能不甜?(雨果)
Mother is the charity arm of the composition,the children could not sleep in it sweet?(Hugo)?
5、人的嘴唇所能發出的最甜美的字眼 , 就是母親 , 最美好的呼喚 , 就是“媽媽”.(紀伯倫)?
Person's lips can be issued by the sweet words,that is,mother,best call is the "mother." (Kahlil Gibran)?
Maternal love is the greatest force in the world.(Mir)