The scriptures and classics of the Potala Palace, the Norbulingka and Sakya Monastery have been well preserved, with some edited and published as the Catalogue of the Classics of the Potala Palace, Ancient Books of the Snowland, and Origin of Religions by Deu.
布達拉宮、羅布林卡、薩迦寺等所藏經卷和典籍獲得了很好的保護,《布達拉宮典籍目錄》、《雪域文庫》和《德吳宗教源流》等文獻古籍得到及時搶救、整理、出版。 The State has also established special funds to support the work of compiling and publishing the Tripitaka in the Tibetan language and other major Tibetan Buddhist classics as well as the work of establishing the Advanced Buddhism College of Tibetan Language Family of China in Beijing and the Tibet College of Buddhism in Lhasa.