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木棉花的英文名稱及特征 ? 編輯木棉花 保護現狀:安全 圖片參考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/thumb/1/10/Cotton_tree/250px-Cotton_tree 在春季開花的木棉樹 分類 域: 真核域(Eukarya) 界: 植物界(Plantae) 門: 被子植物門(Magnoliophyta) 綱: 雙子葉植物綱(Magnoliopsida) 目: 錦葵目(Malvales) 科: 木棉科(Malvaceae) 屬: 木棉屬(Bombax) 種: 木棉花(B. ceiba) 木棉花(bombax ceiba),又名攀枝花、紅棉樹或英雄樹,是壹種在熱帶及亞熱帶地區生長的落葉大喬木,高10-20公尺。 樹幹基部密生瘤刺,以防止動物的侵入。枝輪生,葉互生。木棉花的樹幹雖然粗大,但木質太軟,所以用途不大。 圖片參考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/thumb/b/bb/Cotton_tree_at_Tsing_Yi_Island/180px-Cotton_tree_at_Tsing_Yi_Island 圖片參考:zh. *** /skins-1.5/mon/images/magnify-clip 樹木的原產地不詳,但很可能源自印度。它隨著移民被廣泛種植於馬來半島、印度尼西亞、華南、中國香港及臺灣。根據中國的古籍記載,南越王趙佗曾在公元前2世紀向漢室天朝獻上木棉樹壹株。 棉絮 圖片參考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/thumb/a/a8/CottonTreeFibreImg016/180px-CottonTreeFibreImg016 圖片參考:zh. *** /skins-1.5/mon/images/magnify-clip 棉絮與種子 每年2-3月份先開花,後長葉。花冠五瓣,橙黃或橙紅色,通常在早春長出,比樹葉更早出現。花萼黑褐色,革質。花後結橢圓形碩果,約莫在5月時,果實會裂開,內裏的卵圓形種子連同白色的棉絮會隨風四散。由於華南不產棉花,所以歷年當地居民都會在棉絮飄時搜集棉絮,用以代替棉花來作棉襖的填充料。 圖片參考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/thumb/0/0d/CottonTreeFibreImg017.JPG/120px-CottonTreeFibreImg017.JPG 圖片參考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/thumb/b/b6/CottonTreeFibreImg018.JPG/120px-CottonTreeFibreImg018.JPG 圖片參考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/thumb/5/52/CottonTreeFibreImg019.JPG/120px-CottonTreeFibreImg019.JPG 圖片參考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/thumb/e/e1/RedCottonFruit_img_0090/90px-RedCottonFruit_img_0090 木棉花亦可入藥,把新鮮掉下來的木棉花曬乾,有藥效。 圖片參考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/thumb/8/8f/CottonTreeSeedSprouse/120px-CottonTreeSeedSprouse 生命力頑強的木棉籽。即使是極惡劣的生存環境,亦能夠發芽生長。 文化含義 木棉樹是廣州市及高雄市的市花。由於它的樹身高大粗壯,在華南有把它與英雄相比。中國香港的已故流行樂壇泰鬥羅文就有壹曲《紅棉》,以木棉樹來比喻華人的傲骨。此外,亦為金門縣的縣樹,象征當地民性堅毅,未來發展前途燦爛。 另外,中國香港島的金鐘亦有壹條紅棉道,位於中國香港公園的紅棉道婚姻註冊處亦是中國香港人結婚的熱門地點。 取自"zh. *** /w/index?title=%E6%9C%A8%E6%A3%89%E8%8A%B1&variant=zh-"

木棉花(bombax ceiba),又名攀枝花、紅棉樹或英雄樹,是壹種在熱帶及亞熱帶地區生長的落葉大喬木,高10-20公尺。 zh. *** /wiki/%E6%9C%A8%E6%A3%89 Bombax ceiba

like other tree from genus Bombax

is monly known as cotton tree or tree cotton. The tropical tree is with straight tall truck and its leaves are deciduous in winter. Red flowers with 5 petals were born in the spring before green leaves. Small husks raped contain fibres like cotton. Its trunk bears spikes to deter attacks by animals. Although its trunk looks good for timber

its wood is indeed too soft for use. The tree might be from India but widely planted in Malay


south China

Hong Kong and Taiwan. According to Chinese historical record

the king of Nam Yuet

Chiu To

contributed a tree to the Emperor of Han dynasty in 2nd Century BC. The cotton in the husks were used a substitute of cotton. Its flower was a mon integrate in Chinese herb tea. In Guangdong

the tree is known as muk min (木綿

lit. wood cotton) or hung min (紅綿

lit. red cotton). It is also known as Ying Hung Shue (英雄樹

lit. hero tree)

for its straight and tall trunk. The tree flower is the flower emblem of Guangzhou and Kaohsiung. The Skrit name for this tree is Salmali. In the Rigveda

the chariot is made of Salmali (RV 10.85.20) and other woods. en. *** /wiki/Bombax_ceiba for pictures of cotton tree

please go to this site: bio.fiu.edu/trees/sp_pages/Bombax_ceiba

參考: myself and the web

Bombax ceiba

like other tree from genus Bombax

is monly known as cotton tree or tree cotton. The tropical tree is with straight tall truck and its leaves are deciduous in winter. Red flowers with 5 petals were born in the spring before green leaves. Small husks raped contain fibres like cotton. Its trunk bears spikes to deter attacks by animals. Although its trunk looks good for timber

its wood is indeed too soft for use. The tree might be from India but widely planted in Malay


south China

Hong Kong and Taiwan. According to Chinese historical record

the king of Nam Yuet

Chiu To

contributed a tree to the Emperor of Han dynasty in 2nd Century BC. The cotton in the husks were used a substitute of cotton. Its flower was a mon integrate in Chinese herb tea. In Guangdong

the tree is known as muk min (木綿

lit. wood cotton) or hung min (紅綿

lit. red cotton). It is also known as Ying Hung Shue (英雄樹

lit. hero tree)

for its straight and tall trunk. The tree flower is the flower emblem of Guangzhou and Kaohsiung.

參考: en. *** /wiki/Bombax_ceiba