又名《四庫全書總目提要》、《四庫提要》.:百卷。清紀的(1724—1805)總纂。內寧曉嵐, 字春帆.直隸獻縣(今屬河北)人.乾隆十九年(1754)進士,由翰林育至禮部尚書、協辦大學土,送文達。能詩及駢文,著有《閱微草堂筆記》、《紀文達公遺集》等。
《四庫全書總目》頗有壹些特點; (1)本書是壹部規模龐大的解題書目。它不同於正史中的藝文誌是史書的組成部分,而與e5rJ錄》、《祟文總目》、《直齋書錄解題》等同樣是書目的單行本。因而它在各部類的序論、解題、作者介紹、版本源流等方面,不像史誌目錄那樣受篇幅的限制,因而可以盡量作11必要的敘述和評論,從而使它成為清代規模最大的解題書目。
...Every work copyied into the SKQS was preceded by a long descriptive note which was written under the direction of the editor of the particular section in which the work was classified.Later,by order of the Emporor , these descriptive notes were gathered together and re-edited by Chi Yun ,and published, together with similiar notices concerning the works listed but not copied into the collection, in the SKQSZM.In this annotated bibliography ,as in the SKQS itself,the classics branch is divided into ten sections, the history branch into fifteen, the philosophers branch into fourteen,and the belles-lettres branch into five. At the beginning of each section of bibliography ther is a brief introduction , after which the works are listed chronologically, the titles of the works actually copied into the SKQS preceding those merely listed, each title followed by a descriptive note.
The notes give information concerning the number of chuan, the source of the copy made use of by the Ssu Ku editors, and the nature and style of the work;the wholeof,or a summary of the table of contents is included,examples of the work's strong and weak points are given, and finally there is a critical evaluation. A brief biographical sketch of the author is included in the first time a work written by him appears in the catalogue.These descriptive notes, although containing a few mistakes and occasionally showing prejudice,particularly against Ming writings,are very well written ,and on the whole ,show excellent judgement.Each was written by a specialist in the field in which it is classified, and all were finally edited and their style made uniform by one of the greatest scholars of the Chien Lung period. Even though the Ssu Ku Chuan Shu Tsung Mu has one serious defect in that it gives no information on different editions, no other annotated bibliography can be compared with it either in the number of works included or in the clarity and thoroughness of its descriptive notes. 10254 works, with a total of 171796 chuan(414 works not divided into chuan), are included in the catalogue,...