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華茲華斯著 顧子欣譯   

我好似壹朵孤獨的流雲,  I wandered lonely as a cloud

高高地飄遊在山谷之上。  That floats on high over vales and hills,

突然我看到壹大片鮮花,  When all at once I saw a crowd,

 是金色的水仙遍地開放。 A host, of golden daffodils,

它們開在湖畔,開在樹下,  Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

它們隨風嬉舞,隨風飄蕩。  Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

它們密集如銀河的星星,   Continuous as the stars that shine

 像群星在閃爍壹片晶瑩; And twinkle on the Milky Way,

它們沿著海灣向前伸展,   They stretched in never-ending line

 通往遠方仿佛無窮無盡;   Along the margin of a bay;

壹眼看去就有千朵萬朵, Ten thousand saw I at a glance

萬花搖首舞得多麽高興。 Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

粼粼湖波也在近旁歡跳,   The waves beside them danced, but they

 卻不如這水仙舞得輕俏;   Out-did the sparkling waves in glee;

詩人遇見這快樂的旅伴,   A Poet could not but be gay

 又怎能不感到歡欣雀躍!   In such a jocund company!

我久久凝視——卻未領悟  I gazed-and gazed-but little thought

這景象所給我的精神至寶。  What wealth the show to me had brought.

後來多少次我郁郁獨臥,   For oft, when on my couch I lie

 感到百無聊賴心靈空漠;   In vacant or in pensive mood,

這景象便在腦海中閃現,   They flash upon that inward eye

 多少次安慰過我的寂寞;   Which is the bliss of solitude;

我的心又隨水仙跳起舞來,  And then my heart with pleasure fills,

我的心又重新充滿了歡樂。  And dances with the daffodils.


威廉?6?1華茲華斯 William Wordsworth(1770~1850)英國著名的“湖畔”詩人,英國浪漫主義詩歌的奠基者。出生在英格蘭西北部的湖區,1791年畢業於劍橋大學。曾參與法國大革命活動,但革命後的混亂景象使詩人的心靈大為受傷。1799年,與騷賽、柯勒律治等人回到家鄉,時常吟詩,求樂於山水之間。1798年和柯勒律治***同出版了《抒情歌謠集》,壹舉成名。1813年,成為政府官員,詩情逐漸枯竭。晚年被授予“桂冠詩人”的稱號。壹生創作甚富,作品除上面提的外,還有《丁登寺》、《孤獨的收割人》、《致杜鵑》等。