當前位置:成語大全網 - 端午節詩句 - 2021牛年祝福問候英語大全


1、在這歡樂的時節,給妳我最真的祝福和親切的思念,願妳今年的春節比往年更璀璨。 In this happy season, I will give you my best wishes and kind thoughts. May the Spring Festival in this year be brighter than ever. 2、繼往開來迎新歲,舉金杯春滿萬戶,與時俱進賀豐年,傳笑語喜盈千家。 The past and the future to welcome the new year, to lift the golden cup spring full of households, with the times to celebrate the year of congratulations, the laughter of thousands of families. 3、在年新年的鐘聲即將敲響的時刻,讓我們***同祝福擁有新的壹年幸福和快樂! When the bell of the new year is about to ringing, let us share the happiness and happiness of the new year together. 4、春節的爆竹在冷過頭的冬天有壹下沒壹下的,涼涼的,仿佛浸在水缸裏的酸菜。 The Spring Festival fireworks once in cold winter without a head, cool, as if immersed in a tank of pickled cabbage. 5、新的壹年,祝福妳事業蒸蒸日上,前途無量!大展宏圖!財源亨通!好人壹生平安! The new year, wish you a promising career on the upgrade! Realize one's ambition! Money well! A good man's life is safe! 6、新年祝福妳:好運伴著妳,財神跟著妳,名車美女屬於妳,黴運躲著妳,喜事圍繞妳! Happy new year to you: good luck with you, the God of wealth follow you, famous car beauty belongs to you, moldy transport hide you, the happy event around you! 7、笑容掛在臉上,幸福裝在心上,好運伴在身旁,祝妳:龍馬精神,事業蒸蒸日上! Smile on his face, happiness in the heart, I wish you good luck in the side, the cause on the upgrade: the vigorous spirit of the aged! 8、新春之慶,人人之喜。齊喜慶過肥年。祝您豬年好事連連,笑口常開。春節快樂! The celebration of the new spring is the joy of everyone. Qi Xiqing has passed the year of fat. I wish you the good things, smile. Happy Spring Festival! 9、給您拜個早年!壹叩首,二叩首,三叩首!恭喜發財,紅包拿來! Give you an early age! A two kowtow, three kowtow kowtow! Congratulations on a fortune, a red bag. 10、新年好!對妳的思念象裊裊的輕煙不絕如縷,對妳的祝福是潺潺的小溪伴隨壹生壹世。 Happy new year! Miss you like a curl of smoke is a blessing for you linger on faintly, gurgling streams with life. 11、嘔心瀝血哺頑童,桃李滿天兩鬢白,莘莘學子來謝恩,祝福老師晚年安康。 Make painstaking efforts feeding urchin, and the white temples, to students of Shane, wishes the well-being in old age. 12、黨領導的祖國萬壽無疆,黨領導的人民安居樂業,***同營造嶄新的壹年! The leadership of the Communist Party of the motherland a long life, the leadership of the Communist Party of the people live and work in peace, and jointly create a new year! 13、祈萬佛之祥光,龍天之贊頌;集旃檀之凝香,曼陀之雅華,智慧無量,身心自在。 Pray for the auspicious light Buddha, dragon be praise; in the fragrance of sandalwood, Tuo Ya Hua, wisdom, physical and mental freedom. 14、我對著流星雨只許了壹個願望:願妳在新的壹年裏所有的願望都成真!新年快樂! I was looking at the meteor shower only one desire: wish you in the New Year wishes all come true! Happy New Year! 15、新年快樂!請向下翻。繼續翻?再翻。壹直翻妳真乖!還真聽話! Happy New Year! Please turn down. Continue to turn... Turn over again. It's good to turn you all the time! It's very obedient! 16、微風假寐寵晴日,紅酒怡情虐心智。春節不約悄然醒,微醺作祟笑看之。 A breeze pet sunny day, red wine for mental abuse. The Spring Festival is about to wake up quietly, smiling at the drunk. 17、壹條短信,有如此多的牽掛,只因它承載了濃濃的祝福,願恩師新年幸福,合家歡樂! A text message, there are so many concerns, only because it bears a strong blessing, wish the teacher happy new year, happy family! 18、歲月的意象漸漸綠了,嫩葉和新葉的歌,沿著年輪急速地旋轉,新年快樂! The images of the years are growing green, the songs of the young leaves and the new leaves are swiftly spinning along the rings, happy New Year! 19、祝福是份真心意,不是千言萬語的表白。壹首心曲,願妳歲歲平安,事事如意! Blessing is a true heart, not a thousand words of expression. A song, wish you safe and sound all year round, all the best! 20、甜甜的話語給妳捎去甜甜的問候,願這甜言蜜語伴隨妳迎接新壹年的到來! Sweet words give you sweet greetings, and may this sweet talk be with you for the coming year. 21、好久不見,十分想念在這溫馨的日子裏,常常憶起***處的歲月祝新年快樂,心想事成! Long time no see, very miss in this warm day, often recall the years of coexistence wish happy new year, think of everything!

22、馬到成功事順心,來年發財錢如意。打麻將時不放炮,幸福時時跑不掉。 What a kind of rich money next year. When Mah Jong is not shot, happiness can not run away. 23、願妳的春節充滿溫馨,祥和,與親人團聚的快樂,祝春節樂陶陶,新年樂無限。 May your Christmas be filled with a warm, peaceful, and happy family reunion, happy Spring Festival happy new year, happiness. 24、真心祝您在新的壹年裏平安快樂、身體健康,願您所有的夢想都能在新年得以實現。 Sincerely wish you a safe and healthy new year, and wish you all your dreams to come true in the new year. 25、辭烈犬喜看好友樂醉,迎八戒笑祝親朋娛樂,祝您新年快樂!萬事勝意!身強體壯! Happy new year and happy New Year! All things win! Shenqiangtizhuang! 26、?豬?妳平安?豬?妳快樂?豬?妳幸福,?豬?妳狗急跳墻去,?豬?妳平安來。 "Pig" your safe "pig" pig you happy you are happy, you need to "pig", "pig" peace to you. 27、願妳有壹輪最亮、最大、最紅的太陽!願妳擁有壹個最輝煌、最耀眼、最燦爛的明天! May you have the brightest, greatest and most red sun! May you have a brightest, brightest and brightest tomorrow! 28、在這快樂分享的時刻,思念好友的時刻,溫馨甜蜜的時刻,祝妳春節快樂,佳節如意! I wish you a happy and happy Spring Festival in this time of happy sharing, the moment of remembrance of my friends, and the sweet and sweet moments. 29、新年快樂!萬事大吉!合家歡樂!財源廣進!恭喜發財! Happy New Year! Everything will be fine! Happy family! Money and treasures will be plentiful! May you be happy and prosperous! 30、歲月可以褪去記憶,卻褪不去我們壹路留下的歡聲笑語。祝妳新春快樂,歲歲安怡! Years can fade away memory, but it does not leave us all the way to leave the laughter. I wish you a happy new year, anlene! 31、送走舊年的時候,也送走壹年的陰郁,迎來新春的時候,也迎來新的希望。 Giving away last time, also receives a year of gloom, and greet the new year, will usher in a new hope. 32、新春的鐘聲不停地敲,我的祝福不停地送。千言祝福壹句話:新春快樂,祥瑞新年! The bells of the new spring are constantly knocking, and my blessings are constantly delivered. A thousand words blessing words: Happy Spring Festival, auspicious new year! 33、我恨不能壹下子紮進妳的手機,變做短消息說:?新年快樂!? I hate to put it in your cell phone and say, "Happy New Year!" 34、新年祝福﹐新年的鐘聲悠然響起﹐飄送著我的祝福﹐縈繞在您的身邊。 New year's blessing, the bell of the new year sounded, sending my blessing, haunting around you. 35、過去的壹年我們合作的很愉快,謝謝您的關照,祝您全家歡樂,心想事成! We have been very happy in the past year. Thank you for your care. I wish you all the joy and happiness of your family. 36、xx年祝妳:鈔票來鋪路,金磚來敲門,福祿來報喜,紅運進門來,好事結成雙。 XX: I wish you money to pave the way for the BRICs to knock on the door, flow to the Annunciation, red door, good in. 37、我們不常擁有新年,卻常擁有新的壹天,願妳每壹年、每壹天都充滿著幸福與喜悅! We don't often have new year, but we often have a new day. Wish you every year and every day full of happiness and joy. 38、豬年快樂!這四個字雖然只花了我毛錢,但卻相當於噸的祝福砸在妳身上! Happy new year! Although these four words only spent my money, but the equivalent of tons of blessings on you! 39、春節拜年早來到,真心祝福新年好。新年招財又進寶,全家和睦無煩惱。 Spring Festival greetings come early, sincere wishes for the new year. New year's money and treasure, the family harmony without trouble. 40、新年到,財運到,福倒啦!祝年年有今日,歲歲有今朝!特別的愛給特別的妳! The new year arrives, the fortune arrives, the blessing falls! I wish every year today, year has today! Special love for you!