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"The Heart of Darkness" has described a chill world with breathes of death everywhere. Especially, the dark centre of Africa has become a world apart. As a result, through the words of the hero, Conrad stresses that “在壹片孤獨中—— 絕對孤獨,連壹個警察都沒有,聽不到壹句好心的鄰居小聲說給妳聽的有關社會輿論的忠告,妳就得依靠自身的力量”. There are two clues in "the Heart of Darkness". One is the whole process of Marlow’s journey into the jungles of Africa, and the other is the degeneration and crime of European half-breed Kurtz who deals in ivory business in the virgin forest in Congo alone. Kurtz degenerates in loneliness, and also suffers critically ill in loneliness, while Marlow has experienced an enormous loneliness in the process of seeking Kurtz, only to find the darkness. Marlow also finds the loneliness on himself in finding the true self, and is destined to be lonely.

"Narrenschif" also has the meaning of a ship with insane people on it. Such a special ship is originally the custom spreading in regions of Rhine River of Germany: People gather madmen in one ship and abandoned them into rivers. According to Foucault’s textual research, Narrenschif has been given a new meaning by the 15th century: "Soul, like a piece of boat, abandoned in the boundless see of desire, on the barren land of anxiety and ignorance, or in the world of unreasonableness.” Between complex branches of rivers or in the boundless see, the man on board are the prisoner of journey, deserted into the lonely darkness. " Narrenschif" is destined to be lonely.