[ 國標碼:D6ED 部首:犭 筆畫:11 筆順:35312132511 ]
1. swine
2. pig
3. hog
<grunter> <pigg> <hoggery> <duroc-jersey> <Sus scrofa domistica> <salaud> <porcin> <boar>
1. 他們把麥麩和玉米粉混合起來餵豬。
They mix the bran and corn powder together to feed the pigs.
2. 那個農場主在他的農場裏養了幾百頭豬。
The farmer keeps hundreds of pigs on his farm.
3. 豬在樹叢中亂拱。
Pigs are grubbing around in the bushes.
4. 這些豬長膘情況良好。
These pigs are fattening up well.
5. 這幅畫上妳畫的豬鼻子太長了。
The snout of the pig you drew on the picture is too long.
6. 豬是壹種家畜。
A pig is a domestic animal.
7. 他被壹頭野豬襲擊。
He was attacked by a wild boar.
8. 豬已餵過了嗎?
Have the pigs been fed yet?