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感傷主義用英語怎麽說 感傷主義英語翻譯?

感傷主義通常被翻譯為”sentimentalism”的意思,在日常中也可以翻譯為” sentymentalizm”,在《英語發音在線詞典》中,***找到10個與感傷主義相關的譯文和例句。

The Sentimentalist School ( 感傷主義派 )

psychology of sentimentalism ( 感傷主義心理 )

Triumph der Empfindsamkeit ( 感傷主義的勝利 )

schmaltz Sentimentalism ( 傷感主義 )

1. Alabama. That’s so sad. He’s retiring.

2. Sentimentality is for the public.

3. And feel so very far away from our childhood days

4. Don’t get sentimental now, Dad. Save it till we get out of here.

5. – i saw it 3 times, it’s too sad!

6. Are women more sentimental than men?

7. i’m just in the middle of being confused right now…

8. You crossed over from sentimentality to kitsch.

9. it’s beautiful, it’s sad, it’s tragic.

10. Lately you seem sort of sad.

11. – it’s romantic, sentimental,

12. Only schmaltz can still get through to stiffs like him!

13. You know, the asphalt going by.

14. That’s a sentimental term.

15. Sentimental Education by Flaubert.
