1. (猛然碰上) collide; strike; knock; bump against; run into:例句: strike [toll] a bell;
撞鐘be knocked down;
被撞倒2. (碰見) bump into; run into; meet by chance; come across:
例句: come across one's ex-wife in[on] the street;在街上撞上了前妻
I tried to avoid her, but it was just my luck to bump into her.我不想見她, 偏撞上她了。
3. (試探) trust to; try:
例句: try one's luck撞運氣[大運]
4. (莽撞行事; 闖) rush; barge; hash:
例句: barge around; dash about;橫沖直撞
rush about [around]; bustle about東奔西撞