選A說明 prevent sb. from doing...這個短語妳了解,"阻止、禁止某人做某事"
shoot 是射擊的意思,at後面接射擊的目標,shoot at可以看成壹個固定搭配
22._In spite of_____the difficulties associated withthe project,we’ll go on with it.
given放在句首是考慮到...鑒於...的意思,in spite of 是雖然、盡管,不管
thanks to 幸虧,多謝 because of 因為,由於
go on with 繼續
23.He shouted to them__at____the top of his voice but wasn’t heard.
他用最高音量向他們喊叫,但是他們沒聽到。at the top of his voice可以看成固定搭配
from 是“從,..”的意思,肯定是錯的啦
24.Will you come back to your hometown__on____Christmas?
這道題目我認為on 和 at 都可以,on Christmas: 壹般是 on Christmas Eve 就是在聖誕夜、平安夜,at Christmas是指在聖誕節那天
我認為選 at 其實更好,呵呵
25.Your suit won’t be ready__till___Friday.You can fetch it next Monday.
till: 表示“直到。。。”前面壹般用否定。妳的西裝直到周五前都好不了,所以妳下周壹過來取吧。
如果選till 把句子改成這樣可能更好 Your suit ...till Friday. You can fetch it that day.
26.Although he was weak,__yet_____he tried his best to do the work.
Altough...yet....盡管...還是... 固定搭配,yet 也可以不要
27.Some people love cats,_but_others hate them.
but表示強烈轉折,while "然而" 語氣沒有but這麽強烈
He is a teacher while I am a doctor.
28.They were not the bones of an animal,__but____of a human being.
實際上這是個省略句,補充完整妳就好理解了 They were not the bones of an animal, but the bones of a human being.
instead of: 代替,而不是
She went to the zoo instead of going to dance. 她去了動物園而不是去跳舞。
contrary壹般慣用的短語是on the contrary 相反地,壹般用在句首
to the contrary 壹般做後置定語. 這兩個短語區別和例句請參考:/question/174513957.html
contrary of這不是壹個短語,表示相反
The contrary of "hot" is "cold". 熱的對立面就是冷。