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Contemporary cognitive psychologist pointed out: no teaching goal "make students become independent, independent, efficient learner is more important. Teach students to learn and teach effective learning strategy and study method, has been present education as to reduce the burden and improve the learning efficiency, rapidly improve the teaching quality of one of the most effective methods. After years of painstaking research Researchers and survey found that students have solid for the basic and fluent speaking foreign languages freely only teach not study study study, only to take the teachers and students, the attention does not only emphasize side bilateral relations, natural will succeed. Besides knowledge renewal speed of education by leaps and bounds, and put forward the new challenge, especially the school education not only stay in YiYanTang "base", the task of teaching and learning how to teach students how to learn, and for the purpose. Because the student once has the strong ability of self-study can continuously learn new knowledge and new technology, new challenges to accept and assumes task, to keep pace with The Times.

In the late 1960s, with general linguistics, psychology, cognitive linguistics and the development of cognitive psychology, foreign language learners learning strategies of applied linguistics research has gradually become a research hotspot. Because they think only will correct application of learning strategies to make learning more independent, independent, and more productive. In the reform tide and under the influence of the goal of foreign languages teaching and add new contents, namely: not only to impart knowledge but also to teach students to use learning strategy, make its lifetime. Therefore, the teacher is not only impart knowledge and skills of foreign language learning strategies, and the trainer. The fact that the forces of foreign language teaching, namely: "how to teach" from the transfer to study how to learn "," From the study "teacher" to "study" transfer students.
