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Principle #1: People face tradeoffs 原理1:人們面臨權衡取舍

Translation: Choices are bad 解釋: 選擇是錯誤的

The reasoning behind this translation is obvious. For example, imagine that somebody comes up to you and offers you a choice between a Snickers bar and some M&Ms. You now have a tradeoff, meaning that you have to choose one or the other. And having to trade one thing off against another is bad; President Truman supposedly asked for a one-armed economics advisor because his two-armed economics advisors were always saying, “On the one hand...but on the other hand...”

這種解釋的原因其實是顯而易見的。例如,想象壹下,某個人讓妳在士力架巧克力棒與M&Ms的巧克力產品之間做個選擇。現在妳面臨著權衡取舍,意味著妳只能選擇其中壹個。這種須放棄其壹的不得已選擇是痛苦的; 想必杜魯門總統很需要壹位獨臂的經濟學顧問因為他的雙臂經濟學顧問經常是“壹方面……但另壹方面……”

People who have not received any economics education might be tempted to think that choices are good. They aren't. The (mistaken) idea that choices are good perhaps stems from the (equally mistaken) idea that lack of choices is bad. This is simply not true, as Mancur Olson points out in his book, The Logic of Collective Action: “To say situation is ‘lost’ or hopeless is in one sense equivalent to saying it is perfect, for in both cases efforts at improvement can bring no positive results.”


Hence my translation of Mankiw's first principle of economics: Choices are bad. This concept can be a little difficult to grasp-nobody ever said economics was easy-but the troubled reader will undoubtedly gain clarity from Mankiw's


Principle #2: The cost of something is what you give up to get it


Translation: Choices are really bad


Beyond transforming Mankiw’s semantic deathtrap into simplicity itself, this translation has the advantage of establishing a connection between Principle #1 (Choices are bad) and Principle #2 (Choices are really bad).


To continue to deepen the reader’s understanding of why choices are bad-really bad-let's return to our previous example, in which somebody offers you a choice between a Snickers bar and a package of M&Ms. Suppose, for the sake of argument, that you take the M&Ms. According to Mankiw, the cost of those M&Ms is the Snickers bar that you had to give up to get the M&Ms. Your gain from this situation-what economists call “economic profit”-is therefore the difference between the value you gain from getting the M&Ms (say, $.75) and the value you lose from giving up the Snickers bar (say, $.40). In other words, your economic profit is only $.35. Although you value the M&Ms at $.75, having the choice of the Snickers bar reduces your gain by $.40. Hence Principle #2: Choices are really bad.


Indeed, the more choices you have, the worse off you are. The worst situation of all would be somebody coming up to you and offering you a choice between two identical packages of M&Ms. Since choosing one package (which you value at $.75) means giving up the other package (which you also value at $.75), your economic profit is exactly zero! So being offered a choice between two identical packages of M&Ms is in fact equivalent to being offered nothing.

事實上,妳擁有越多的選擇,妳的狀況更加糟糕。最糟糕的情況是某人讓妳從相同的M&Ms做選擇。選擇其中壹個 (妳估計價值為0.75美元) 意味著放棄另壹個 (妳估計價值也為0.75美元),妳的經濟利潤恰好為0! 因此在兩個相同的M&Ms上做選擇事實上等同於沒有選擇。

Now, a lay person might be forgiven for thinking that being offered a choice between two identical packages of M&Ms is in fact equivalent to being offered a single package of M&Ms. But economists know better. Being offered a single package of M&M effectively means having to choose between a package of M&Ms (which you value at $.75) and nothing (which you value at $0). Choosing the M&Ms gives you an economic profit of $.75, which is $.75 more than your economic profit when you are offered a choice between two identical packages of M&Ms.

現在,外行的人這樣想是可以理解的: 提供兩個相同的M&Ms讓妳選擇壹個其實等同於給妳壹個M&Ms而沒選擇。但經濟學家考慮的更周全。提供壹個M&Ms實際上意味著讓妳在壹個M&Ms(妳估計價值為0.75美元)和什麽也沒有之間做選擇(妳估計價值為0美元)。這個M&Ms可以給妳0.75美元的經濟利潤,比妳在兩個相同的M&Ms做選擇所獲得的經濟利潤多0.75美元。

At this point it is worth acknowledging that (1) there may be readers who have failed to grasp the above subtleties in their entirety, and (2) such readers may well be beginning to wonder whether they are, in a word, stupid. Any lingering doubts should be eliminated by the Mankiw's


Principle #3: Rational people think at the margin

原理 3 理性人考慮邊際量

Translation: People are stupid

解釋 人們是愚蠢的

One point that is immediately obvious to the most casual observer with the meanest intelligence is that most people do not think at the margin. For example, most people who buy oranges at the grocery store think like this: “Hmmm, oranges are $.25 each. I think I'll buy half a dozen.” They do not think like this: “Hmmm, oranges are $.25 each. I'm going to buy one, because my marginal value exceeds the market price. Now I'm going to buy a second one, because my marginal value still exceeds the market price...” We know most people don't think like this because most people don't fill their shopping baskets one orange at a time!

智商最低的隨機觀測者都能很明顯地知道多數人並不考慮邊際量。例如,多數人在雜貨店買桔子時他們都是這樣想:“嗯,桔子每個0.25 美元。我要六個。”而不是“嗯,桔子每個0.25美元。我要去買壹個,因為我的邊際價值超過了市場價格。現在我要買第二個,因為我的邊際價值仍然超過市場價格。”我們知道多數人認為並不是那樣, 因為多數人不會在他的購物中壹次裝壹個桔子。

But we are now led inexorably toward a most unhappy conclusion. If—as Mankiw says—rational people think at the margin, and if—as we all know—most people do not think at the margin, then most people are not rational. Most people, in other words, are stupid. Hence my translation of the third principle of economics: People are stupid.


Before sinking into despair for the fate of the human race, however, the reader would be wise to consider Mankiw's


Principle #4: People respond to incentives.


Translation: People aren’t that stupid.

解釋 人們也不是那麽愚蠢

The dictionary says that incentive, n., is 1. Something that influences to action; stimulus; encouragement.


So what Mankiw is saying here is that people are motivated by motives, or that people are influenced to action by things that influence to action. Now, this may seem to be a bit like saying that tautologies are tautological—the reader may be thinking that people would have to be pretty stupid to be unmotivated by motives, or to be inactive in response to something that influences to action. But remember Principle #3: People are stupid. Hence the need for Principle #4, to clarify that people aren’t that stupid.


Only truly stupid people can fail to understand my translation of Mankiw's


Principle #5: Trade can make everyone better off

原理5 貿易能使每個人的狀況變得更好

Translation: Trade can make everyone worse off

解釋 貿易能使每個人的狀況變得更壞

But, the reader may well be asking, isn't the translation of the fifth principle the exact opposite of the principle itself? Of course not.


To see why, first note that "trade can make everyone better off" is patently obviously: if I have a Snickers bar and want M&Ms and you have M&Ms and want a Snickers bar, we can trade and we will both be better off. Surely Mankiw is getting at something deeper than this? Indeed, I believe he is. To see what it is, compare the following phrases:


A: Trade can make everyone better off

A: 貿易能使每個人的狀況變得更好

B: Trade will make everyone better off

B: 貿易將會使每個人的狀況變得更好

Now, Statement B is clearly superior to Statement A. Why, then, does Mankiw use Statement A? It can only be because Statement B is false. By saying that trade can make everyone better off, Mankiw is conveying one of the subtleties of economics: trade can also not make everyone better off. It is a short hop from here to my translation, “Trade can make everybody worse off.” (A numerical example can be found in this footnote.3)

The subtlety evident in Principle #5 is even more clearly visible in the next two principles.



Principle #6: Markets are usually a good way to organize economic activity


Translation: Governments are stupid.


Principle #7: Governments can sometimes improve market outcomes

原理7 政府有時可以改善市場結果

Translation: Governments aren’t that stupid.


