A little body often harbours a great soul
The wish is father to the thought 希望是思想之父。
The wolf has a winning game when the shepherds quarrel 鷸蚌相爭,漁翁得利。
The wolf may lose his teeth
but never his nature 江山易改,本性難易。
The word Impossible is not in my dictionary 我的詞典裏沒有“不可能”壹詞的。
The word once spoken can never be realled 壹言既出,駟馬難追。
The work shows the workman 什麽匠人出什麽活。
The world is a ladder for some to go up and some down 人間猶如壹架梯,有人緣梯上升,有人順梯下降。
The world is but a little place
after all 有緣千裏來相會。
The world is edy to those who think
a tragedy to those who feel 世界對思惟著的人來說,是壹出喜劇,而對憑感覺的人看來,只是壹出悲劇。
The worst men often give the best advice 最不行的人,往往能提出最好的意見。
英語諺語: A little body often harbours a great soul
中文意思: 莫道身軀小,偉人寓其間。