之前我的App在審核的時候,排隊等了4天,In review等了6天。後來我就忍不住通過iTunes connect裏面的Contact Us功能留了個言,基本上算是寫了封email這樣,供參考:
Describe your inquiry regarding the review status of your app or In-App Purchase:
Dear Sir/Madam,
My app, 培根詞匯 - 英語詞根詞源詞典(ID:813629612), has been in the status of "In Review" for six days. Since I found that the average review time for an App is about 6 days (time "waiting for review" and "in review" combined) in the developer community, I am worried about my app been forgotten or lost in the review process. Given the simple functions of the App, the significant longer time than average surely frustrated me. So can you provide me an estimated total review time my app will take if possible?
The app developed by me is an simple English etymology dictionary, but it metadata is in Chinese (both in traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese). Is it the language affected the review time? Or do I need provide an English translation of the metadata?
Please let me know if there is any thing I can help or data you needed.
Best wishes.
Hello Chongwei,
Thank you for contacting us regarding the review of your app, 培根詞匯 - 英語詞根詞源詞典.
Your app is Ready For Sale on the App Store as of Ready For Sale. If you need further assistance, or if your App is not visible on the store within 24 hours, please contact iTunes Connect directly using the Contact Us form, and selecting: App Store Questions, then App not on App Store:
iTunes Connect
I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions or need anything further.
Best Regards,
App Store Review
雖然不確定是不是我通過Contact Us留的信息起了作用,但至少給我知道了回信給我的是個叫Monica的人。