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Noun:any competition;"the race for the presidency"

a contest of speed;"the race is to the swift"

people who are believed to belong to the same genetic stock;"some biologists doubt that there are important genetic differences between races of human beings"

(biology) a taxonomic group that is a division of a species; usually arises as a consequence of geographical isolation within a speciesthe flow of air that is driven backwards by an aircraft propellera canal for a current of waterVerb:move fast;"He rushed down the hall to receive his guests"

"The cars raced down the street"

compete in a race;"he is running the Marathon this year"

"let's race and see who gets there first"

to work as fast as possible towards a goal, sometimes in competition with others;"We are racing to find a cure for AIDS"

cause to move fast or to rush or race;"The psychologist raced the rats through a long maze"



Arace is a competition to see who is the fastest, for example in running, swimming, or driving.

e.g. The women'srace was won by the American, Patti Sue Plumer.



If yourace, you take part in a race.

e.g. In the 10 years I raced in Europe, 30 drivers were killed...


e.g. They may even haveraced each other — but not regularly.



The races are a series of horse races that are held in a particular place on a particular day. People go to watch and to bet on which horse will win.

e.g. The high point of this trip was a day at the races.



Arace is a situation in which people or organizations compete with each other for power or control.

e.g. Therace for the White House begins in earnest today...


e.g. Therace is on to build up membership fast.



Arace is one of the major groups which human beings can be divided into according to their physical features, such as the colour of their skin.

e.g. The College welcomes students of all races, faiths, and nationalities...


e.g. Discrimination by employers on the grounds ofrace and nationality was illegal.



If yourace somewhere, you go there as quickly as possible.

e.g. He raced across town to the State House building...


e.g. The hares raced away out of sight.



If somethingraces towards a particular state or position, it moves very fast towards that state or position.


e.g. Do they realize we are racing towards complete economic collapse?...


e.g. American economic growth raced ahead.



If yourace a vehicle or animal, you prepare it for races and make it take part in races.

e.g. He still raced sports cars as often as he could.



If your mindraces, or if thoughtsrace through your mind, you think very fast about something, especially when you are in a difficult or dangerous situation.

e.g. I made sure I sounded calm but my mind was racing...


e.g. Already her mind was racing ahead to the hundred and one things she had to do...



If your heartraces, it beats very quickly because you are excited or afraid.

e.g. Her heart raced uncontrollably.


11. see also: racing


You describe a situation as arace against time when you have to work very fast in order to do something before a particular time, or before another thing happens.


e.g. An air force spokesman said the rescue operation was arace against time.



Every morning he spent two hours training for the race.


We are all involved in a rat race, whether we want to be or not.


The Chinese belong to the yellow race.


He is against race prejudice.


He is a man of noble race.


I'll race you to the bus stop.


Eight horses will race for the cup.



用作名詞(n.)The various races are not sharply separated.

各種族都不能截然分開。Race was a matter of importance to him.

對於他來說,血統是很重要的。The students sat in at the administrative building to protest against discrimination of race.

學生們在辦公大樓靜坐,抗議種族歧視。The human race is hammering at an economic problem.

全人類都在鉆研壹個經濟學問題。The human race and animals could have been getting along well together.

人類與動物應可和睦相處。Which race does the plant fall under?

這種植物應歸到哪壹屬?Three fast runners entered the race, but Jim beat them all hollow.

三名短跑運動員參加比賽,而吉姆把他們統統擊敗。He is determined to stick out the race even if he finishes last.

他下定決心即使跑最後壹名,也要堅持跑完。Bill burned himself out in the first part of the race and could not finish.

比爾在比賽的第壹賽程就耗盡了力氣,結果無法跑完全程。The crowd cheered the runners on as they started on the last lap of the race.

當運動員開始跑最後壹圈時,觀眾為他們加油。Six students from No. 14 Middle School entered for the race.

十四中的6個學生報名參加了賽跑。Fifty competitors have entered for the spring long-distance race.

已經有50名選手報名參加春季長跑。We attempted a race.

我們試圖進行壹次比賽。Have they announced when the race will begin?

他們宣布比賽什麽時候開始了嗎?He gambled all his winning on the last race.

他把所有贏得的錢都押在最後壹場比賽上。Jim bore off most of the prizes at the races.

吉姆獲得了比賽的大部分獎項。Jim carried off most of the prizes at the races.

吉姆奪得了比賽中的大部分獎牌。It's been billed as the race of the year.

海報上宣傳這是本年度的大賽。We thought the horse would win, but he fell behind halfway through the race.

我們曾認為這匹馬會取勝,可是他在比賽中途落後了。Eight boats entered for the race.

有8艘船報名參加劃船比賽。They gambled on the result of a race.

他們為比賽的結果打賭。His race is nearly run.

他的氣數將盡。He entered the mayoral race.

他參加了市長競選。We will have a race for monitor tomorrow.

明天我們將競選班長。The race for president has finished.

總統競選已經結束。用作動詞(v.)用作不及物動詞S+~(+A)He's a very good swimmer and often races.

他是優秀的遊泳選手,經常參加比賽。The children raced towards me.

孩子們飛快地向我跑來。He jumped into his car and raced back home.

他跳上他的汽車,急速開回家。Ships raced along on the river.

船只在河上疾駛而過。Several days raced by.

壹晃幾天過去了。The motor engine raced before it was shut off.

汽車發動機關閉之前快速空轉。S+~+to- vLet's race to see what is happening.

咱們跑去看看發生了什麽事情。用作及物動詞S+~+ n./pron.My horse has hurt his toe so I can't race him.

我的馬傷了腳趾,我不能把它投入比賽。Some medieval towns raced donkeys or buffaloes.

有些中世紀的城市用驢子或水牛競賽。I'll race you home.

我和妳比賽看誰先到家。He raced his car across the desert.

他開車駛過那片荒涼的沙漠。Don't race the engine while it's cold.


Eddies and races..can become..violent.

出自:LifeboatThe faded race of fallen leaves.

出自:Sir W. ScottWriters to the papers are..a race on their own.

出自:Jo GrimondAragorn raced down the..slope.

出自:TolkienThe creek raced beside them..towards the..sea.

出自:M. ShadboltAn ambulance..turned about..and raced off.

出自:J. M. Coetzee七、詞源解說

☆ 1300年左右進入英語,直接源自古北歐語的ras,意為跑,沖。race的相關近義詞



racer、raccoon、RACEP、Racek、Racea、raceme、raceous、race up、racecar、racemic、racedin、racemus