because of, due to ,thanks to ,owing to ,asa result of ,on account of 等都可以用來表示原因,但其用法卻各有不同。下面就其用法分述如下:
1.because of意為“因為,由於”,普通用語,比其他短語更口語化,強調因果關系;構成的短語在句子中通常作狀語,壹般不作表語用;後面可接名詞、代詞、分詞或what引導的名詞性從句等。
Eg. He is likely to miss the US Openbecause of his back injury.他因為背部有傷可能缺席美國公開賽。(置於句後作狀語)
Because of my bad leg ,I couldn’t walk sofast as the others.由於我的腿壞了,我不能像其他人走得那麽快。(置於句首做狀語,但用逗號與其他部分分開)
Because of his wife's being there,I saidnothing about it.因為他妻子在場,我對此事只字未提。(接-ing分詞短語)
He realized that she was crying because ofwhat he had said.他意識到她在哭是因為他說的那些話。(接what從句)
We must not get discouraged because of sucha minor setback.
2. due to“由於,因…造成”,強調造成後果的原因,在句中作表語、狀語和定語。作表語和狀語時與owing to同義,作狀語時,壹般不與其他成分隔開(此時不用於句首)。規範英語僅將 due to 用於動詞be之後作表語,但普遍認為可將due to看作是owing to的同義詞。
Eg. Your failure is due to negligence.妳的失敗是由於疏忽所造成的。
A part of the energy is wasted in machinesdue to friction.壹部分能量由於摩擦而消耗在機器內。
That Shelley became a poet may have beendue to his mother’s influence.雪萊成為詩人可能是由於受母親的影響。
Accidents due to driving at high speed werevery common that weekend.在那個周末因高速駕駛造成的交通事故很多。
Joe's application to the University was notaccepted due to his failing English.喬因英語不及格申報那所大學沒被錄取。
This accident was due to(owing to)his carelessdriving.這次車禍是由於他開車疏忽大意造成的。
He arrived late due to(owing to)the storm.由於暴風雨他來晚了。
Mistakes due to carelessness may haveserious consequences.由於疏忽大意造成的錯誤可能帶來嚴重的後果。
註意:due to除可表示原因外,還有“應給於,應屬於”的意思。Eg.
Our grateful thanks are due to you.向妳表示我們衷心的感謝
3. on account of 當“因為”講,後面常接名詞。on account of與because of,owing to同義,但語氣較為正式。可作狀語、表語,不作定語。如:
He could not come on account of his illness.他因病不能前來。
That was on account of lack of exercise.那是由於缺乏鍛煉。
We delayed our departure on account of thebad weather.由於天氣不好,我們將起程時間推遲了。
I’m thinking of goingdown to Qingdao for a fortnight ,on account of my health.由於身體方面的原因,我正考慮到青島休養兩個星期。
On my/your accoun 為了妳(我)(的緣故)
On this/that account由於這個(那個)緣故
She thinks you’re leavingAunt Ketty on her account.她以為妳是為了她才打算離開凱蒂阿姨的。
On this account, we should be cautious.因為這個緣故我們應該謹慎。
He is angry on that account.由於那個緣故他生氣了。
4.owing to 與because of壹樣引出的介詞短語,也強調因果關系,在句中作狀語,做狀語時,習慣上用逗號和句子其他部分分開。註意:作狀語時修飾整個句子,可在句首或句末,用逗號隔開。owing to 除作狀語外,也可作表語,但 because of 不作表語。如:
They decided to cancel the flight,owing to thestorm.由於這場暴風雨,他們決定取消這個航班。
His death was owing to an accident.他死於壹場事故。
They decided to pospone the trip, owing tobad weather.由於天氣不好他們決定推遲旅行。
Owing to his careless driving, we had a badaccident.由於他駕駛疏忽,我們發生了次大車禍。
=The accident was due to his carelessdriving.這次車禍是由於他的駕駛疏忽。
註意:owe vt.(債等); 應該向(某人)付出
把...歸功於(to); 認為...是靠...的力量; 由於
感激; 感恩; 感謝
I owe him ten dollars.我欠他10美元。
He owes his success to his hard work.
I owe you for your help.我感謝妳的幫助。
5.thanks to “由於或因為某人(某事)”,通常用於好的方面,多用於表達正面意思,相當於感謝,有時可作“反語)。在句中作狀語和表語。引導的介詞短語可置於句首或句末。
Thanks to your advice,much troublewas saved.
The play succeeded thanks to your timelyhelp.由於妳的及時幫助,那出戲才成功。
It was thanks to his carelessness that welost the game.由於他的疏忽大意我們輸掉了這場比賽。
Thanks to your help, we were successful.多虧了妳的幫助,我們得以成功。
Thanks to the bad weather ,the match hadbeen cancelled.多虧這個倒黴天氣,挺好的比賽取消了。(反語)
註意:Small thanks to 壹點也不感激
We were successful ,but small thanks toyou.我們成功了,但壹點也不感激妳。 a result “因此,結果”,常用在有上下文(表原因)的情況下。
as a result of…“由於…的結果”,可置於句首或句末。
He had some bad fish. As a result, he didn’t feel wellthis morning.他吃了些變質的魚,因此,今天早上感覺到不舒服。
As a result of the flood, thousands ofpeople lost their homes.因為發大水,成千上萬的人失去了家園。
7. result from 由於…
=Thousands of people lost their homesresult from the flood.
Mistakes due to Serious consequences mayresult from carelessness.由於疏忽大意可能帶來嚴重的後果。
Accidents resulting from high speed or overspeed were very common thatweekend.在那個周末因高速或超速駕駛造成的交通事故很多。