當前位置:成語大全網 - 英語詞典 - 1. A 200-year-old building is very old _________ American history. A. in terms of B. in sight of C.

1. A 200-year-old building is very old _________ American history. A. in terms of B. in sight of C.

1. A 200-year-old building is very old _________ American history.

A. in terms of B. in sight of C. in view of D. in spite of


in terms of = regarding / concerning 就。。方面而言,從。。角度來看

Now, in terms of your proposal, don't you think you're asking for too much? (proposal的內容就是asking for too much,二者是壹回事,最起碼是包含與被包含的關系)

in view of = because of 因為,由於

In view of the high cost of gasoline, I sold my car. (油價和賣車是有因果聯系,但本質上還是兩件事,屬於平行關系)

如果壹定要選in view of,題幹可改為:

A 200-year-old building is very old in view of the length of American history.


A 200-year-old building is very old in terms of American history. 從美國歷史來看,200年的房子絕對堪稱年代久遠了。

A 200-year-old building is very old in view of American history. 因為美國歷史(很短),(所以)200年的房子絕對堪稱年代久遠了。


2.Many veterans believe it is their job to bear ___________ to the horrors of war that they personally experienced.

A. proof B. evidence C. vision D. witness


bear witness to something = prove that something is true (這是固定搭配,如果僅從單個選項的詞義來區分,這題基本沒法選)


Many veterans believe it is their job to prove (that) the war they personally experienced is horrible.


3. His failure to turn his attention to ___________ wastes of public money is inexcusable.

A. obvious B. flagrant C. infamous D. notorious


flagrant 明目張膽的,公然的

infamous = notorious 臭名昭著的,可恥的


His failure to turn his attention to flagrant wastes of public money is inexcusable. 公然浪費納稅人的錢 (這裏的waste雖是名詞,翻譯成中文卻變成 了動詞,這就是所謂的動態名詞;flagrant可以修飾動態名詞)

His failure to turn his attention to infamous / notorious practice of wastes of public money is inexcusable. 浪費納稅人錢的可恥行徑 (這裏的practice是名詞,翻譯成中文還是名詞,這就是所謂的靜態名詞;infamous和 notorious可以修飾靜態名詞,但不能修飾動態名詞)
