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.man; mankind; humanity



not only ... (but) also

not only ... (but) also

used to say that two related things are true or happened, especially when this is surprising or shocking:

Not only did he turn up late, he also forgot his books.

If this project fails it will affect not only our department, but also the whole organization.


man 1

/ m?n; m?n/ n (pl men / men; m?n/)

[C] adult male human being 男人; 成年男子: clothes for men 男人的服裝.

[C] human being of either sex; person 人(男女均可): All men must die. 人皆有壹死. * Growing old is something a man has to accept. 逐漸衰老是任何人都得承認的事實.

[sing] (without the or a 不加the或a) the human race; mankind 人類: Man is mortal. 人終有壹死. * the origin of man 人類的起源 * medieval man, ie all people in the Middle Ages 中世紀的人類. =>Usage 見所附用法.

[C] husband, male lover, boy-friend, etc 丈夫; 男情人; 男朋友: Her man's been sent overseas by his employers. 她的丈夫已被雇主派到海外. * be made man and wife, ie be married 結成夫妻.

[C usu pl 通常作復數] male person under the authority of sb else (男性的)下屬: officers and men in the army, navy, etc 陸軍、 海軍等的官兵 * The manager gave the men (ie the workers) their instructions. 經理給雇員下達了指示.

[sing] (fml 文) manservant; valet 男仆; 貼身男仆: My man will drive you home. 我的仆人將開車送妳回家.

[C] (fml 文) present or former member of a named university (與校名連用)大學生, 大學校友: a Cambridge man 劍橋大學學生 * a Yale man 耶魯大學學生.

[sing] (infml 口) (used as a form of address, usu in a lively or an impatient way 用作稱呼, 通常含輕松或不耐煩的語氣): Hey, man, are you coming? 嘿, 老兄, 妳來嗎? * Be quiet, man! 老弟, 安靜點!

[C] male person with the qualities of courage, toughness, etc often associated with men 男子漢; 大丈夫: Be a man! ie Be brave. 要做個大丈夫(拿出勇氣來)! * They acquitted themselves like men. 他們表現得像男子漢.

[C] piece used in games such as chess, draughts, etc (國際象棋、 國際跳棋等的)棋子: capture all sb's men 吃掉某人所有的棋子.

(idm 習語) an angry young man => angry. as good, etc as the next man => next1. as one man acting unanimously; with everyone agreeing 壹齊; 壹致: The staff speak as one man on this issue. 在這個問題上全體職員意見壹致. be sb's man be the person required or ideally suited for a task 正是所需要的人: If you need a driver, I'm your man. 妳要是需要司機, 我當最合適. * If you want a good music teacher, he's your man. 妳們要是缺個好的音樂教師, 他就是最理想的人選. be man enough (to do sth) be brave enough 有足夠勇氣: You're not man enough to fight me! 妳沒有那個膽量跟我打! be one's own `man be able to arrange and decide things independently 能獨立自主; 能作主: He's his own man, but he doesn't ignore advice. 他雖然自有主張, 但並不輕視別人的意見. be twice the man/woman => twice. the child is father of the man => child. dead men's shoes => dead. dead men tell no tales => dead. a dirty old man => dirty. ,every man for him`self (and the devil take the hindmost) (saying 諺) everyone must look after his own interests, safety, etc 人各為己: In business, it's every man for himself. 在商言商, 人各為己. ,every man `jack (rhet esp derog 修辭, 尤作貶義) every single person 人人; 每個人: Every man jack of them ran off and left me! 他們壹個個都跑了, 把我撇下了! the grand old man => grand. hit/kick a man when he's down continue to attack or injure sb who is already defeated 繼續打擊或傷害已失敗的人; 落井下石. the inner man => inner. make a `man (out) of sb turn a young man into an adult 使某人長大成人: The army will make a man of him. 軍隊將把他鍛煉成人. a ,man about `town man who spends much time at fashionable parties, clubs, theatres, etc 經常出沒遊樂場所的男人; 花花公子. ,man and `boy from boyhood onwards (指男子)從小到大: He has worked for the firm, man and boy, for thirty years. 他從小至今已為該商行幹了三十年. the ,man in the `street; the ,man on the ,Clapham `omnibus (Brit) the average ordinary person of either sex 普通人, 壹般人(男女均可): The man in the street is opposed to this idea. 老百姓反對這種想法. a ,man of `God (fml or rhet 文或修辭) clergyman 神職人員. a man/woman of parts => part1. the ,man of the `match man who gives the best performance in a particular game of cricket, football, etc (在板球、 足球等運動某場比賽中的)最佳運動員: be voted man of the match 被選為最佳運動員. a ,man of `straw (rhet 修辭) (a) person of apparent, but not real, power 貌似有力的人物. (b) imaginary or very weak person presented as an opponent 想像的敵手; 很弱的對手. a man/woman of his/her word => word. a man/woman of the world => world. ,man to `man frankly; openly 誠 懇地; 公開地: Let's talk man to man. 咱們推心置腹地談談吧. * [attrib 作定語] a ,man-to-man `talk 坦誠的交談. a marked man => mark2. the odd man/one out => odd. the poor man's sb/sth => poor. sort out the men from the boys => sort2. time and tide wait for no man => time1. to a `man; to the last `man all, without exception 所有人; 毫無例外地: To a man, they answered `Yes'. 他們都壹致回答‘是’. * They were killed, to the last man, in a futile attack. 因壹次進攻失敗, 他們全部被殺, 無壹幸免. one's young lady/young man => young.

> man interj (infml 口 esp US) (used to express surprise, admiration, etc 用以表示驚奇、 贊美等): Man! that's huge! 好家夥! 那麼大呀!

-man (forming compound ns 用以構成復合名詞)

1 (a) (with ns 與名詞結合) person who lives in 在...生活的人: countryman. (b) (with adjs and ns 與形容詞和名詞結合) native of ...的當地人: Irishman.

2 (with ns 與名詞結合) man concerned with 與...有關的人: `businessman* doorman * `postman. Cf 參看 -woman (woman). =>Usage at chair 用法見chair.

-manship (forming uncountable ns 用以構成不可數名詞) skill or quality of 有...技巧或性質: craftsmanship * sportsmanship. Cf 參看 -ship.

# ,man-at-`arms n (pl ,men-at-`arms) (in the Middle Ages) mounted soldier with heavy armour and weapons (中世紀的)重騎兵.

`man-eater n lion, tiger, etc that attacks men 攻擊人的獅、 虎等: (fig joc 比喻, 謔) My sister's a real man-eater! 我姐姐真是個母老虎! `man-eating adj [attrib 作定語]: a man-eating lion, tiger, etc 吃人的獅子、 老虎等.

man `Friday male general assistant in an office, etc (辦公室等的)男勤雜工.

`manhole n hole in a street fitted with a lid, through which sb can enter a sewer, etc to inspect it 人孔, 檢修孔(街道上設置的有蓋洞口, 人可進入檢修下水道等): [attrib 作定語] manhole cover 人孔蓋.

`man-hour n work done by one person in one hour 工時: The builder reckons 15 man-hours for the job. 建築者估計這個活兒需要15個工時.

`man-hunt n large-scale search for a (male or female) criminal, etc (對男或女罪犯等的)大搜捕: Police have launched a man-hunt for the bullion robbers. 警方已大舉搜捕搶劫金條的罪犯.

,man of `letters, ,woman of `letters person who does literary work, eg as a writer or critic 文學工作者.

,man-`made adj not naturally made; artificial 人工的; 人造的: ,man-made `fibres, `chemicals 人造纖維、 化學制品.

,man-of-`war n (pl ,men-of-`war) armed sailing-ship of a country's navy 帆式軍艦.

`manservant n (pl menservants) male servant 男仆. Cf 參看 maidservant (maid).

`man-size (also `man-sized) adj of a size suitable for a man; large (大小)適合男人的; 大型的; 大號的: a man-size(d) handkerchief, beefsteak, portion 大號的手帕、 大塊的牛排、 壹大份.

`manslaughter n [U] crime of killing a person unlawfully but not intentionally 非預謀殺人罪; 過失殺人: commit manslaughter 犯了過失殺人罪. Cf 參看 homicide 1, murder 1.

`mantrap n trap with large jaws formerly used for catching poachers, trespassers, etc 捕人陷阱(舊時用以捕捉偷獵者、 入侵私地者等).

NOTE ON USAGE 用法: Man can be used, in a similar way to mankind, to mean `all men and women'. *man的用法可與mankind相同, 指不分男女所有的人. Many people consider this biased against women and avoid it by using humanity, the human race(singular) or humans, human beings, people (plural).許多人認為這種用法是對女性的歧視而加以避免, 改用humanity、 the human race(單數)或humans、 human beings、 people(復數). man 2

/ m?n; m?n/ v (-nn-) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (with sb) supply sth (with men or, sometimes, women) for service or to operate something 給某事物提供(男性或有時為女性)服務人員或操作人員: man the boat with a replacement crew 給船提供替換船員 * a warship manned by experienced officers 配備有經驗的軍官的軍艦 * Barbara will man the telephone switchboard till we get back. 我們回來前由巴巴拉管理電話總機.