Uru·guay n.
Pronunciation: 'u?r-?-?gwī, 'yu?r-; 'yu?r-?-?gwā; ?ü-rü-'gwī
Function: geographical name
1 river ab 1000 mi (1609 km) SE S. America rising in Brazil &flowing into the Río de la Plata
2 or Re·pú·bli·ca Ori·en·tal del Uru·guay \rā-'pü-blē-(?)k?-?o?r-ē-?en-'t?l-thel-\ or formerly Ban·da Ori·en·tal \'b?n-d?-?o?r-ē-?en-'t?l\ country SE S. America bet. the lower Uruguay &the Atlantic; a republic capital Montevideo area 68,039 sq mi (176,221 sq km), pop 3,149,000
–Uru·guay·an \?u?r-?-'gwī-?n, ?yu?r-; ?yu?r-?-'gwā-\ adjective or noun
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