1. inform/remind sb. of sth.
2. catch on with 追趕上
3. accelarate/ faciliate
4. in his honour by name?
5. album 專輯,相冊
6. 不情願地:unwillingly, reluctant,grudgingly( 不滿;積怨;怨恨;If you have or bear a grudge against someone, you have unfriendly feelings towards them because of something they did in the past.)
7. you can't teach an old dogs new tricks. 老狗學不了新把戲;老年人很難適應新事物.
8. 大量
修飾不可數名詞的有:1.much+不可數名詞 2. quite a little 3. an amount of 4. amounts of 5. a great deal of
修飾可數名詞復數的有:1.a good/great many 2.many+復數名詞 3.many a +可數名詞單數 4.a good/great/large number of 5. quite a few 6. scores of 7. dozens of
既可修飾可數名詞復數,又可修飾不可數名詞的有:1.a lot of 2.lots of 3.plenty of 4.a quantity of 5.quantities of 6.a block of 7.blocks of 8.a mass of 9.masses of
下面還有幾句歌訣,幫助記憶: (當中只出現短語中的中心詞) little amount 不可 deal;(這三個中心詞的短語是修飾不可數名詞的) many number 可 few; (這三個中心詞的短語是修飾可數名詞復數的) lot plenty quantity 可不可;(這三個中心詞的短語可以修飾可數名詞復數,也可修飾不可數名詞) little many few 無 of。(這三個中心詞的短語後面沒有of)
9. keep track of 記錄
10. 良性循環 virtuous cycle; 惡性循環: vicious cycle
11. 學習曲線 I am on the learning curve
everyone in the center has been through a very deep learning curve(difficult to learn,quick to learn).
12. learning from scratch
從零開始;從頭做起;白手起家;If you do something from scratch , you do it without making use of anything that has been done before. [PHR after v]
1) 不要在詞尾加schwa sound (大多數中國人學英語的通病),譬如說like,just
2) 不要多加r,album /'?lb ? m/ not / ?r /
3) ly 是/l ?/ 不是/e ?/,類似的還有we,he
2. 語音語調: 最後壹句話,for 因為,不要重讀,就像中文中不要重讀“因為”壹樣
4. contribute /k?n'tr?bjut/
contribution /?kɑntr?'bju?n/
5. 語氣詞
1)表示停頓需要思考,猶豫,或者不確定: well,uh,Er.../Umm.. ,Let me see. *see “考慮”、“盤算”、“想”,口語中常用來表示無法立刻答復,壹時想不出回答的話,或想說點什麽
2)表示同意,贊同: exactly,all right
3)表示驚訝: oh my god/ oh my gosh/ gosh/ wow/ holy cow天哪,哇塞
4)表示該死,倒黴: damn 有點臟話的感覺,朋友直接開玩笑可以用,但是陌生人之間不要用/ shoot 只有很輕微的詛咒的意思,在口語中是感嘆詞"唷!""糟糕!"的意思Shoot! I forget to pass out the notice.(shoot還有嫩芽的意思; 搬起石頭砸自己的腳;自作自受;If you shoot yourself in the foot , something you say or do causes you harm.)
(壹). 表推測的用法
1. must have done 表示對過去某事的肯定猜測,譯為: 過去肯定做了某事 。不存在 mustn't have done 的形式。其 否定或疑問形式須用 can(could) 來表示. 例如:
Since the road is wet, it must have rained last night. 既然路是濕的,那昨天晚上肯定下雨了。
He can't have missed the way. I drew him a map. 他不可能迷路。我(當時)給他畫了張圖。
“The dictionary has disappeared. Who could have taken it?” 詞典不見了,(過去)誰可能把它拿走了?
2. may / might have done
may / might have done 表示 “過去可能做了某事” 。may 比 might 表示的可能性在說話人看來稍大些。 may/might not have done表示“過去可能沒有做某事 。”例如:
I can't find my keys. I may / might have left them at the school yesterday. 我找不到我的鑰匙了。我可能昨天把他們落在學校了。
John may/might not have passed the exam; he looks very sad.約翰可能沒有通過考試。他看起來很憂傷。
註意: may/might have done表推測不能用於疑問句中 。壹般用can/could have done sth.很可能做過某事
3. can/could have done 表推測壹般用在 否定句和疑問句 中,表示 不相信或懷疑 的態度;間或肯定句
Can/Could he have passed the exam?他可能通過了考試嗎?
I think that he couldn’t/can't have gone abroad. I saw him just now.我認為他不可能出國了。我剛才還看見他了。
註:表示推測過去某動作發生的可能性時,就表示的可能性程度而言, must 最大,could 其次,may 更次之,might 最小。 例如:
“I wonder how Tom knew about your past.” “我想知道湯姆是怎麽知道妳的過去的。”
“He must / could / may / might have heard of it from Mary.” “他肯定/很可能/可能/興許(沒準兒)已從瑪麗那兒聽說此事了。”壹、 “ must +have+done”表示對過去事情的肯定推測,譯成“ 壹定做過某事 ”,該結構只用於肯定句.
4.would have done:想必會/肯定會做某事
President Obama has canceled plans to set stronger air quality rules in the United States.The president said these plans would have forced(想必會/肯定會迫使)
businesses to take action at a time when the country's economy is weak. On Friday, president Obama ordered environment officials to halt a plan that would have affected(想必會/肯定會影響) companies, states and cities. All three would have required to reduce the amount of chemicals that case smog.
Failure to do so, would have led to(肯定會/想必會導致) federal action.
(二). 在虛擬語氣中的用法
1. “ could +have+done”是 虛擬語氣 ,表示對過去事情的假設,意思是 本來能夠做某事而沒有做. ”註意:其否定形式 couldn't have done 沒有虛擬語氣的用法 ,couldn't have done 只能 表推測 ,相當於 can't have done,意為:“過去不可能做了某事。”
He could have passed the exam,but he was too careless.本來他能夠通過考試,但是他太粗心.
2. “ should +have+done”意思是“ 本來應該做某事,而實際沒做 .” “ shouldn't +have+done”表示 本來不應該做某事,而實際做了.含有指責對方或自責的含意 .
1).Tom,you are too lazy.The work should have been finished yesterday.湯姆,妳太懶惰了,這項工作本來應該昨天就做完的.
2).Look,Tom is crying.I shouldn't have been so harsh on him.看,湯姆哭了,我本來不應該對他如此嚴厲.
3. “ ought to +have+done”表示過去應該做而實際並沒有做,譯成“ 理應做…… ”,往往表示遺憾.與“should+have+done”用法基本壹樣.
I ought to have gone home last Sunday.我理應上星期日回家.
You ought not to have given him more help.妳不應該幫助他那麽多.
4. “ need +have+done”表示 本來需要做某事而沒有做 .“ needn't +have+done”則表示“ 本來不需要做某事而做了”.
I needn't have bought so much wine—only five people came.我本來沒有必要買這麽多酒,只來了五個人.
He need have hurried to the station.In that case,be wouldn't have missed the train.他本來需要快點去車站,那樣的話,他就不會誤了火車.
5. might (不能用 may) have done 表示“ 過去本可以做某事卻未做。 ” 註意:其 否定形式 might not have done 沒有虛擬語氣的用法 ,might not have done 只能表推測,相當於 may not have done,意為:“過去可能沒有做某事。”
1.He might have given you more help,even though he was busy.(MET90) 他或許會多給妳壹些幫助,即使他很忙.
6. ?“ would +have+done” 虛擬語氣 ,表示對過去事情的假設,意思是“ 本來會做,但沒有做 ”
1. If I hadn’t been ill,I would have finished the work.
2.Without your help,I wouldn't have achieved so much.沒有妳的幫助,我是不會取得如此大的成績.
3. I would have told you all about the boy's story, but you didn't ask me.