當前位置:成語大全網 - 英語詞典 - interviewing是什麽意思 interviewing的中文翻譯、讀音、例句?

interviewing是什麽意思 interviewing的中文翻譯、讀音、例句?


1. – i’m interviewing for a replacement.

2. And if so, should we be interviewing for a replacement?

3. At least consider interviewing the widow.

4. You’re here interviewing me.

5. Mr. Broderick, why is it that every time i begin interviewing you, you wind up interviewing me?

翻譯:布羅德裏克先生 為什麽… … 每次都是開始時我問妳 到頭來妳問我?。

6. After interviewing each player.

7. You might be interviewing her again someday.

翻譯:也許妳再有機會訪問她 You might be interviewing her again someday.。

8. Are you interviewing for the job?

9. They’re interviewing my mother.

10. Are you interviewing for a new associate?

11. Would you kill the music? i mean, the whole concept of interviewing a four-year-old

翻譯:面試壹個xx歲孩子 這概念 I mean, the whole concept of interviewing a four。

12. [Enrique interviewing with the reporters…

13. Detectives interviewing witnesses…

14. – Ned, interviewing is an art form.

15. Sorry, i was interviewing divorce lawyers.

