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E12| Flipped the Dinner Chapter12 筆記


從朱莉的視角講述了他們壹家到布萊斯家做客吃晚餐的過程,兩家人聚在壹起相處了幾個小時。朱莉就感覺到布萊斯壹家緊張的氣氛,只有Mrs.Loski是誠心邀請他們的。晚宴結束回自己家後,哥哥們都覺得自己的家庭環境更好。Matt說,"No way.I'm sticking with my main man here".父親聽後噙滿了淚水,這是朱莉第壹次看到父親哭。朱莉的父親壹度認為Mr.Loski比他給予孩子們的好很多,因為壹直照顧智障弟弟,導致經濟能力有限,沒能更好的分擔家庭責任。但是孩子們最終更樂意選擇和自己在壹起。這也間接說明,物質條件是外在的,對於孩子們來說,父親給予的愛和對孩子的關心高於壹切,從心裏了解理解自己的孩子。朱莉與布萊斯最大的差別在於有壹個好父親。在Mr.Loski眼裏,他是整個家庭的權威,如果有事情導致家裏吵架,那也絕對不是他去道歉。相反,如果孩子們因為說了什麽話頂撞到了他,他甚至會歇斯底裏的生氣。他們家雖然光鮮亮麗,其實只是努力維持的表象,壹旦發生什麽矛盾,那除了無休止的爭吵外,什麽都不會有。



She seemed a little certain,but in a happy way.她似乎有點確定,但很開心。

My dad was looking amused, although he was very reserved about it, and it took me until the end of the song to realize that he was proud.Proud that this noise came from his boys.我爸爸看起來很開心,盡管他對此很矜持,直到歌曲結束我才意識到他很自豪。很驕傲這聲音是他兒子發出來的。


I went to bed that night feeling very full and very happy.And as I lay there in the dark,I wondered at how much emotion can go into any given day, and thought how nice it was to feel this way at the end of it.And as I nestled in and drifted off to sleep, my heart felt wonderfully... free.?那天晚上,我感到很飽,很開心。當我躺在黑暗中,我不知道每壹天都能融入多少情感,我想到最後能有這種感覺是多麽美好。當我慢慢入睡時,我的心好極了...無拘無束。

The next morning I still felt good.I went outside and sprinkled the yard, enjoying the splish and patter of water on soil,wondering when, when that first little blade of grass would spring up into the sunshine.第二天早上我仍然感覺很好。我走到外面,在院子裏灑水,享受著濺在土壤上的水花,想著何時,何時第壹片小草會在陽光下生長。


give a small gasp稍微喘口氣

mike practically sprayed his milk邁克幾乎把牛奶都噴出來了

She?had?very?pretty?straight?teeth. 她有非常漂亮整齊的牙齒。

Her Teeth Perfectly Straight 她牙齒筆直

his teeth was white and straight他的牙齒又白又整齊

I could feel my cheeks flush with anger我覺得自己的臉都氣紅了

he had a point他有壹定的道理

when that topic was all dried up?當那個話題都沒有了的時候

my father didn't take it that way我父親不是那樣認為的

I was afraid of what might happen next我擔心接下來會發生什麽

he was making it up他是在說謊

she had quite a bit of makeup on,?她化了壹點妝

She had a lot of?makeup?on?and not a hair out of place.她濃妝艷抹,衣冠楚楚。


No way I'd go there.我絕對不會去那裏

no way決不;壹點也不

come down on?somebody?斥責,懲罰;索取;宣布支持 (某壹方)

phrasal verb

朗文解釋:to punish someone or criticize them severely

原文:did she come down on papa bear or what

例:I?cancome?down?onthe?price?a little,?if?that's what?you want.


Show restraint?體現克制

Not that I'd want him as my dad我可不想讓他當我爸

朗文解釋:not that ...used before a sentence or phrase to mean the opposite of what follows it, and to make the previous sentence seem less important?Sarah has a new boyfriend –?not that I care?(=I do not care).?Janice had lost some weight,?not that it mattered?(=it did not matter).→ ?not 並非;並不是說

peter out逐漸消失;逐漸減少

a ridiculous suggestion 可笑的意見

Sneak a peek at it 偷看

there were definitely tears welling up in his eyes他的眼裏肯定噙滿了淚水

well up湧出;流露;萌發

I took a step away from him.我離他遠了壹步

take a step邁出壹步;采取措施

away from遠離,離開;避開痛苦

catch on to doing/sth理解,突然了解

朗文解釋:1?to become? popular ?and? fashionable

例句: The idea of glasses being a fashion item has been slow to catch on.

2?to begin to? understand ?or? realize ?something to

例: It was a long time before the police caught on to what he was really doing.

rule out 排除;取消;劃去;反對;阻止

rule?something/somebody ?out?phrasal?verb


1?to? decide ?that something is not? possible ?or? suitable

例:The police have ruled out suicide.?

She has refused to?rule out the possibility?of singing again.

2?to make it? impossible ?for something to happen

例: The mountainous terrain rules out most forms of agriculture.

3?to? state ?that someone will not be? able ?to take part in a? sports ? event ?of

例:He has been ruled out of the match with a knee injury.

in a desperate attempt to?最後壹搏,不顧壹起


block?somebody/something ?in? phrasal verb

1?to? park ?your car too close to another car, so that the other one cannot drive away把妳的車停得離另壹輛車太近,這樣另壹輛車就開不了了。

2?to? paint ?or? draw ? simple ? shapes ?or areas of? colour 草擬,畫草圖

I’ll just block in the main buildings.

block?somebody/something ?from 阻止

原文:in a desperate attempt to block Bryce from my mind 不顧壹起不讓布萊斯出現在我的腦海裏

freeze up?凍結;怯場

?phrasal verb

1?if a? machine , engine , or? pipe ? freezes ?up, the? liquid ? inside ?becomes? solid ?with? cold ?so that it does not work properly?SYN?freeze?(計算機屏幕因系統故障)被暫時鎖定

2?to suddenly be? unable ?to speak or act normally?突然不能正常說話或行動

例: I wouldn’t know what to say. I’d just freeze up.

原文:freeze up my brain

make a joke (out) of something

朗文解釋:to? treat ?something? serious ?as if it was? intended ?to be? funny

例:He could not bring himself to apologise. Instead, he tried to make a joke of it.

原文:he make a joke about me being a retard.

now or never?勿失良機,機不可失;把握現在,時不再來

朗文解釋:it’s now or never used to say that if someone? does ?not do something now, they will not get another? chance ?to do it

例:Quite suddenly, her mind was made up. It was now or never.

lose it 壹個人咬牙切齒地說lose it 表示 我太生氣了這裏的it 其實是理智

朗文解釋:spoken?informal a)?to become very? angry ?and? upset

例:She completely lost it with one of the kids in class.

英文:I lost it.I spun on him

b)?(also?lose the plot)?to become? crazy ?or? confused 變得瘋狂或困惑

例: I could see people thinking I’d totally lost the plot.

answer the door?應門,去開門(迎客)

make fun of sb取笑某人

go through the motions (of doing something)走過場;裝樣子

朗文解釋:to do something because you have to do it, without being very interested in it?

例:I feel so bored at work, like I’m just going through the motions.

get through it

get through sth通過;到達;做完;接通電話;度過,熬過(困難時期等)

make a stand for捍衛..., 為...辯護

with every intention of?壹心要

with the intention of 為了 ; 意圖 ; 的意圖 ; 意向

with the best of intention 出於壹片好心 ; 好心好意

with the special intention of 特意

with?our good intentions 好意

look forward to something(介詞to 不可替換)期望做某事 ; 期待做某事 ; 期待

朗文解釋:to be? excited ?and? pleased ?about something that is going to? happen

例:I’m really looking forward to our vacation.

look forward to doing something?

例:My mother says she’s looking forward to meeting you.

humming over pie recipes 哼唱著餡餅食譜



hatred of?對……的憎惡/仇恨



whisk 拂,撣;攪動;揮動;迅速帶走


原文:I overheard you and Garrett in the library.

sheepish懦弱的 ; 膽怯的 ; 窘迫的


tinkled a little dinner bell?

Tinkle Bell叮當鈴




I barely was myself我不再是我自己

barely?adv. 勉強才能;幾乎不,幾乎沒有;剛剛;僅僅,只有;貧乏地,光禿禿

The water had barely come to a simmer when she cracked four eggs into it.水剛開她就打了4個雞蛋進去

reason推理,邏輯思考;推論出,推斷出(reason sth. out);對(某人)以理相勸,勸告(reason with)

原文:I reasoned, continuing our discussion would drive him away.我推斷,繼續我們的討論會把他趕走的



原文:his dad seemed kind of smug.


原文:your sarcasm is not appreciated?妳的諷刺是不受歡迎的


原文:Mrs. Loskis was keeping a smile perched on her face, but she was blinking a lot, glancing nervously around the table洛斯基太太臉上掛著微笑,但她不停地眨眼睛,緊張地掃視著桌子四周



原文:songs blaring through the speakers.



原文:Matt gave my dad a slap on the back?馬特在我爸爸背上拍了壹下

you've spoiled these birds 妳把這些鳥寵壞了




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