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car的讀音是:英[kɑ_(r)]。car的例句是用作名詞(n.)A new type of car is on the market now.現在壹種新型小汽車正在上市。car近義詞autocar。


n.(名詞)汽車,轎車吊艙,飛船吊艙車廂,火車車廂有軌電車,電車升降廂,電梯戰車車,車輛,有輪的車運貨馬車凱旋門吊籃車皮氣球客車abbr.(縮略詞)=controlled avalanche rectifier 可控雪崩整流器adj.(形容詞)慣用左手的不吉利的不自然的v.(動詞)坐汽車去二、詞典解釋


Acar is a motor vehicle with room for a small number of passengers.

e.g. He had left his tickets in hiscar...


e.g. They arrived bycar.



Acar is one of the separate sections of a train.

e.g. Tour buses have replaced railway cars.


in BRIT, usually use 英國英語通常用 carriage3.(火車上作特殊用途的)車廂

Railway carriages are calledcars when they are used for a particular purpose.


e.g. He made his way into the diningcar for breakfast.


4. see also: cable car


1. 項:1.1.4 全面品質管理(TQM)階段 91.1.5 全面品質保證(TQA)階段 11附圖8.3:矯正措施要求事項(CAR)的範例 276附圖8.4:矯正措施要求事項(CAR)的另壹個範例 277附圖8.5:簽結矯正措施要求事項(CAR)的程序 278

2.car:corrective action report; 改善報告

3. car的反義詞

3.car:centre machine room; 中心機房

4. car的翻譯

4.car:computer assisted retrieval; 計算機輔助檢索


5.car:coxsackie and adenovirus receptor; 腺病毒受體


A new type of car is on the market now.


Repairing your car will cost a minimum of 100 dollars.


The car in front of me stopped suddenly and I had to brake.


This car has just been cut out from the train.


Are you in a soft berth car or a hard berth car?



用作名詞(n.)Jacelin had so absorbed with watching the car passing by that he didn't notice his friends coming.

傑斯林註視那輛車是如此地專心,以至於他的朋友來了都沒有看到。You will have to block up the wheel of the car to change the tyre.

換輪胎必須把車輪墊起來。This car exactly answers to the description of the stolen car.

這輛汽車和所說的那輛被盜走的車的特點完全相符。They advertised that they had a used car for sale.

他們做廣告說他們有壹輛舊車出售。We have agreed on the price for the second-hand car.

這輛舊車的價錢我們已敲定。The driver assisted the old man out of a car.

司機幫助那位老人下車。The traffic was so thick that a whole row of cars got blocked in.

交通十分擁擠,壹大隊汽車都被堵住了。He wanted £800 for the car but I beat him down to £600.

那部車他索價800鎊,但我把他的價錢殺到600鎊。The car's engine is beginning to act up.

這輛車的引擎開始出毛病了。A driver uses brakes to arrest his car's speed.

司機用剎車降低車速。His reckless driving accounted for the car accident.

他開車魯莽是出車禍的原因。Next you must learn how to back a car into a parking space.

下壹步妳應該學會如何把車倒入停車的空地。I figured in our cable car tickets but forgot the bus fares.

我把纜車票算進去卻把公***汽車費忘了。Before eight o'clock they arrived upon the scene by car.

八點鐘時他們乘車來到現場。The news of the car accident astonished everybody.

小轎車發生車禍的消息使大家非常震驚。She can well afford a new car.

她完全買得起壹輛新轎車。He boiled over when his wife drove a car into the wall.

在他妻子駕車撞到墻上時,他大發了壹通脾氣。Is there a sleeping car attached to the train?

本次列車有沒有附設壹節臥鋪車廂?He scanned the newspaper while waiting for the passenger car.

他邊等客車邊看報紙。Some vandals had slashed the seat covers on the passenger car.

壹些破壞公物的人將客車上的座套劃破了。We can guarantee the punctual arrival of the armoured cars in foggy weather.

霧天我們能保證裝甲車準時到達。We don't have to fit the special air cushion car into the timetable.

我們不需把這次氣墊車安排在時間表中。A passenger car, unable to stop in time, sliced through a bus, killed eighty passengers.


用作名詞 (n.)動詞+~back a car into a garage把汽車倒開進車庫bring a car to a standstill剎車catch a car趕乘汽車change cars at在?換乘汽車crash a car撞汽車drive a car開車,駕駛汽車fuel a car給汽車加燃料go by car乘車去(旅行)gear up a car使汽車換快擋hire a car租車jack up a car把車頂起load a car給汽車裝載operate a car駕車,開車overhaul a car對汽車進行檢修own a car擁有汽車park a car停放汽車purchase a car買汽車repair a car修車ride in a car乘汽車road-test a car公路檢驗汽車service a car維修保養車slow down a car減速speed up a car加速stop a car停車take a car乘坐汽車total a car毀壞汽車tune up a car調車turn a car around汽車掉頭uncouple railroad cars分開火車的車廂use a car使用汽車wash a car刷洗汽車wreck a car毀壞汽車write off a car毀掉汽車形容詞+~broken car破汽車clinic car醫療車cross-country car越野汽車crowded car擠滿人的汽車economy-size car經濟型汽車electric car電車empty car空車flat car平板貨車huge car很大的汽車modern car現代化的汽車new car新汽車old car舊汽車old-fashioned car老式汽車open car敞篷汽車private car私人小汽車reconditioned car修理好了的汽車used car舊汽車wrecked car被撞壞的汽車名詞+~air cushion car氣墊車baby car微型汽車baggage car行李車(廂)box car棚車,集裝箱cable car纜車cattle car(運)牛車club car豪華客車combat car裝甲車command car指揮車dining car餐車drawing-room car火車臥車中的私人車室family car家用車mail car郵政車passenger car客車pleasure car旅遊車police car警車racing car賽車railroad car火車車廂sleeping car臥車,臥鋪車廂stock car普通汽車改裝的賽車用汽車tank car鐵路的油槽車,槽車touring car遊覽車~+名詞car crash車禍介詞+~by car乘車in a car開車on the car車上~+介詞car for private use私人用車七、詞源解說

☆ 直接源自英國法語的carre;最初源自中古拉丁語的carra,意為汽車,車廂。car的相關近義詞



