詞典解釋
及物動詞
vt.
1.失,丟失,喪失
carl's
father
lost
his
job
last
month.
卡爾的父親上個月失業了。
2.使失去[o1]
a
bad
cold
had
lost
me
some
time.
壹場重感冒使我失去了壹些時間。
3.輸去;未贏得
he
has
lost
his
case.
他的官司打輸了。
4.損失(金錢)[(+on)]
we
lost
a
lot
of
money
on
that
deal.
我們在那筆交易上虧損了許多錢。
5.迷失;使迷路
she
got
lost
in
the
forest.
她在森林裏迷了路。
6.聽不見;看不見;抓不住;錯過
she
had
to
walk
to
the
station
and
so
lost
her
train.
她只能步行去車站,因而沒趕上火車。
7.浪費,白費
louise
lost
no
time
in
returning
to
cincinnati.
路易絲沒有耽擱,馬上回到辛辛那提。
8.使沈湎於[(+in)]
the
boy
soon
lost
himself
in
the
book.
這男孩不久便專心地看起書來。
9.使迷糊不清
10.(鐘表)慢
my
watch
loses
a
minute
a
day.
我的表壹天慢壹分鐘。
希望可以幫到妳!