我查了壹下這短語,猜測是藥物(疫苗?)給藥後“誘發的不良事件”?下面是Lilly關於Sibutramine研究報告裏面的:Solicited Adverse Events: The Association for Methodology and Documentation inPsychiatry (AMDP-5) scale was used to measure solicited AEs. Each item of theAMDP-5 Scale was analyzed for solicited TEAEs. Patients were considered to have asolicited treatment-emergent event if the score for that event was greater than the baselinescore at any postbaseline visit. Table HGJJ.10 presents solicited TEAEs that occurred in≥10% of patients in either treatment group as measured by each item of the AMDP-5Scale. There were statistically significantly higher incidences of difficulty falling asleep,shortened sleep, dry mouth, and constipation in the Olz+Sib group than in the Olz+Plagroup. There were no other statistically significant differences between treatment groupsin the incidences of any of the other solicited TEAEs listed in the table.