/ spi?k; spik/ v (pt spoke / sp?uk; spok/, pp spoken / ?sp?uk?n; ˋspok?n/)
[I] make use of words in an ordinary voice (not singing); utter words 說話; 講話: He can't speak. 他不會說話. * Please speak more slowly. 請慢點說. * `May I speak to Susan?' ie at the beginning of a telephone conversation. ‘可以請蘇珊聽電話嗎?’ * `Speaking,' ie this is Susan speaking (in reply to previous question). ‘我就是.’(對前壹句的回答).
[Tn] (not in the continuous tenses 不用於進行時態) know and be able to use (a language) 會說(某語言): He speaks several languages. 他會說好幾種語言. * She speaks a little Urdu. 她會壹點兒烏爾都語. * Does anyone speak English here? 這兒有人會說英語嗎?
[Ipr] ~ (to/with sb) (about/of sb/sth) have a conversation (with sb); express oneself in words; talk (與某人)交談; 用語言表達; 談話: I was speaking to him only yesterday. 昨天我還跟他說過話呢. * Can we speak about plans for the holidays? 我們談談假期的打算好嗎? * She was speaking about it for hours. 那件事她談了好幾個鐘頭. * She didn't speak of her husband at all. 她完全沒談到她丈夫.
[I, Ipr] ~ (on/about sth) make a speech (to an audience) 發言; 講話; 演講: She spoke for forty minutes at the conference. 她在會上講了四十分鐘. * Are you good at speaking in public? 妳善於當眾講話嗎? * I told him to speak on any subject he wanted. 我已告訴他想談什麼就談什麼.
[Tn] make (sth) known; say or express 表明(某事); 說出: speak the truth 說實話 * He spoke only two words the whole evening. 壹晚上他只說了兩個字. =>Usage at say 用法見say.
[I, Ipr]~ (to/with sb) (usu in negative sentences 通常用於否定句) (infml 口) be on friendly or polite terms (with sb) (與某人)禮尚往來: They're not speaking (to each other) after their argument. 他們爭吵過後就互不理睬了.
(idm 習語) actions speak louder than words => action. be on `speaking terms (with sb) (a) know sb well enough to speak to him 與某人熟識到可交談的程度: I see him on the train every day but we're not on speaking terms. 我每天都在火車上見到他, 但彼此沒說過話. (b) be on friendly or polite terms; be willing to talk (to sb) (esp after an argument) 禮尚往來; 肯(對某人)說話(尤指爭吵後): At last they're on speaking terms again! 他們終於又互相說話了! * They're not on speaking terms after their quarrel. 他們那次吵過架後就互不理睬了. the facts speak for themselves => fact. in a manner of speaking => manner. nothing to `speak of nothing worth mentioning; not much 不值壹提; 不多: She has saved a little money, but nothing to speak of. 她存了壹點錢, 但少得不值壹提. not to speak of/no sth to speak of not worth mentioning/no sth worth mentioning 談不上[沒有值得壹提的事物]: We've not had any summer to speak of. 直到現在還沒有像樣的夏天. * We've had no food to speak of today.談不上今天吃過東西了. roughly, generally, personally, etc speaking in a rough, general, etc way; from a general, personal, etc point of view 大致上; 壹般來說; 從壹般﹑ 個人等角度來看: Generally speaking, I don't like spicy food. 我壹般不愛吃辛辣的食物. * Personally speaking, I prefer the second candidate. 我本人喜歡第二個候選人. Cf 參看 strictly speakinging (strict). ,so to `speak one could say; as it were 可以說; 可謂: The new procedures have been officially christened, so to speak.新措施可以說已經正式實施了. speak for it`self/them`selves need no explaining; be self-evident 無需說明; 不言自喻: The events of that evening speak for themselves. 那天晚上發生的事情不用說也很清楚. speak for one`self express one's opinion, etc in one's own way 自己表達自己的意思: I'm quite capable of speaking for myself, thank you! 我還是有能力把話說清楚的, 謝謝妳吧! speak for your`self (joc or derog catchphrase 謔或貶, 警語) don't think you are speaking on behalf of everyone 妳只能代表妳自己; 妳不能代表別人: `We all played very badly.' `Speak for yourself, I think I played quite well.' ‘我們在場上表現得都很差勁.’‘妳只能說妳自己, 我覺得我表現得很不錯.’ speak ill of sb (fml 文) speak in an unkind or unfavourable way about sb 說某人壞話: Don't speak ill of the dead. 別說死者的壞話. * I've never spoken ill of him in my life. 我這輩子從來沒說過他的壞話. speak one's `mind express one's views directly and frankly 直率地表達意見. speak/talk of the devil => devil1. speak the same `language (as sb) (infml 口) have similar tastes and ideas (as sb); have a common understanding (與某人)口味和意見相同; 有***同的想法: As soon as I met Liz, it was obvious we spoke the same language. 我和利茲壹見面就明顯覺得我們倆很說得來. speak volumes for sb/sth be strong evidence of sb/sth's merits, qualities, etc 充分證明某人[某事物]的優點﹑ 品質等: These facts speak volumes for her honesty. 這些事實都有力地證明了她為人誠實. speak `well for sb be evidence in favour of sb 證明某人很好: Her reputation as a good mother speaks well for her. 大家都知道她是個好母親, 這足以證明她人品好. `spoken for reserved, etc in advance 事先預訂的: I'm afraid you can't use those chairs they're already spoken for. 很抱歉, 妳不能用這些椅子--有人預先說好了要用的. the spoken/written word => word.
(phr v) speak for sb (no passive 不用於被動語態) (a) state the wishes, views, etc, of sb; act as a spokesman for sb 表達某人的願望﹑ 意見等; 代某人說話: I'm afraid I can't speak for Geoff, but... 很抱歉, 我不能代表傑夫說話, 但是.... (b) give evidence on behalf of sb 為某人作證; 為某人辯護: Who is prepared to speak for the accused? 誰來為被告辯護? speak of sth (fml 文) indicate sth; suggest sth 表明某事物; 意味著某事物: Her behaviour speaks of suffering bravely borne. 她的表現顯示出她勇敢地承受著痛苦. speak out (against sth) say boldly and clearly what one thinks (in opposition to sth) 大膽明確地說出(反對某事物)的意見: He was the only one to speak out against the closure of the hospital. 只有他壹人直言不諱地表示反對關閉醫院. speak to sb (euph 婉) reprimand; tell off 責備; 訓斥: Your children are disturbing my wife; can you speak to them, please? 妳的孩子吵得我妻子不得安寧, 請說說他們好嗎? speak to sth (fml 文) give information about (a subject), esp at a meeting 講述(某事)(尤指在會上): Will you speak to this item, David? 戴維, 妳來談談這個問題好嗎? speak up speak louder 大點聲說: Please speak up; we can't hear you at the back. 請大點兒聲說, 我們在後面聽不見. speak up (for sb) state clearly and freely what one thinks (on behalf of sb) (為某人)明確而坦率地說出想法: It's time to speak up for those who are suffering injustice. 現在該為蒙受不公正對待的人們大聲疾呼了.
> speaker n
1 person who makes speeches; person who speaks or was speaking 發言者; 演講者; 說(著)話的人: May I introduce our speaker for this evening? 我來介紹壹下今晚演講的人好嗎? * a good, poor, interesting, etc speaker 演講水平高的人﹑ 演講能力差的人﹑ 發言有趣的人 * I turned and saw the speaker at the back of the room. 我轉過臉看見說話的人是在屋子的最後面.
2 (infml 口) = loudspeaker (loud).
3 person who speaks a language 說某種語言的人: French speakers/speakers of French 說法語的人.
4 the Speaker person who presides over business in the House of Commons and other legislative assemblies (英國下議院及其他議會的)議長: `Order! Order!' shouted the Speaker. ‘安靜! 安靜!’議長大聲說道. * MP's trying to attract the attention of the Speaker 盡力引起議長註意的下議院議員.
-spoken (forming compound adjs 用以構成復合形容詞) speaking in a specified way 以某種方式說話的: well-spoken * a soft-spoken man.
# ,speaking `clock (Brit infml 口) telephone service that gives spoken statements of the time 電話報時服務.
`speak-easy n place where alcohol may be bought illegally (esp formerly in the US during Prohibition) 非法售酒處(尤指美國禁酒時期).