rocket柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典rocket1['r?kit]n.1.火箭2.火箭發射器;火箭發動機(= rocket engine)3.由火箭推進的飛船(或導彈等)4.信號火箭5.[英國俚語]斥責vi.1.飛速上升;向前猛沖;飛馳:A white car rocketed out of the school gate.壹輛白色汽車飛速駛出校門。2.乘火箭飛行;利用火箭飛往:Man has rocketed off to the moon.人類已利用火箭飛往月球。3.(物價等)飛漲;劇增:Prices are rocketing.物價在猛漲。Unemployment in the petroleum indusry has rocketed since the beginning of last year.石油工業中的失業現象自去年年初迅速加劇。4.(被捕獵的鳥)驚飛;急速高飛vt.1.用火箭運載;利用火箭把…射往:Two American astronauts were rocketed off to the moon.兩個美國宇航員乘火箭飛往月球。2.用火箭轟擊:They rocketed the enemy troops vigorously.他們用火箭猛烈轟擊敵軍。3.使…飛漲;使…迅速上升:The reform of the economic structure rocketed the company's shares from RMB 25 yuan to 36 yuan.經濟體制的改革使該公司股票從人民幣25元猛漲到36元。4.[英國俚語]斥責短語:1.get a rocket [口語]挨壹頓臭罵2.give someone a rocket [口語]嚴責某人,痛罵某人3.go off like a rocket1.突然燃燒起來;爆炸2.勃然大怒[亦作go off like a Roman candle]