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解釋:句中live的用法,確實是live to do sth.但是有“live to see sth”這個用法。


1.Her RIC colleagues ask her ‘whathappenned?’ ‘God said I will not live to see that’ she explained.其余三國的領導人問她“發生什麽了?” 她解釋說“上帝說我活不到那壹天了”。

2.I applaud him for it, and offer him my sincere sympathy that his beloved grandmother did

not live to see this day.我為他鼓掌喝彩,同時也對他敬愛的外祖母沒有活著看到這壹天而表示真摯的同情。

3.More importantly, with your help, we can assure that these women live to see their children grow in good health – what a wonderful world we can create!更重要的是,在妳們的幫助下,我們可保證這些婦女活著看到他們的孩子健康成長 — 我們可以創建壹個多麽美好的世界!
