n.(名詞)[C]耳,耳朵 either of the two organs by which people or animals hear, each side of the head[S]聽力 keen recognition of sounds, especially in music or languages[S]傾聽; 註意 sympathetic attention[C]穗 the head of a grain-producing plant, used for food三、詞典解釋
Yourears are the two parts of your body, one on each side of your head, with which you hear sounds.
e.g. He whispered something in herear...
e.g. I'm having my ears pierced.
If you havean ear for music or language, you are able to hear its sounds accurately and to interpret them or reproduce them well.
e.g. Moby certainly has a fineear for a tune...
e.g. Anear for foreign languages is advantageous.
Ear is often used to refer to people's willingness to listen to what someone is saying.
e.g. What would cause the masses to give him a far more sympatheticear?...
e.g. They had shut their eyes and ears to everything.
Theears of a cereal plant such as wheat or barley are the parts at the top of the stem, which contain the seeds or grains.
5.. 洗耳恭聽;全神貫註地聽
If someone says that they areall ears, they mean that they are ready and eager to listen
If you say that someoneis bendingyourear about something, you mean that they keep talking to you about it because they think it is important; used especially when you are irritated by this.
e.g. He was fed up with people bending hisear about staying on at school.
If someoneboxes a child'sears, they hit them on the side of their head as a punishment.
If a requestfalls on deaf ears or if the person to whom the request is madeturns a deaf ear to it, they take no notice of it.
e.g. I hope that our appeals will not fall on deaf ears...
e.g. He has turned a resolutely deafear to American demands for action.
If youkeep orhave yourear to the ground, you make sure that you find out about the things that people are doing or saying.
e.g. Jobs in manufacturing are relatively scarce but I keep myear to the ground.
If you listen to something or someonewith only half an ear, you do not give your full attention to what is being said.
If youlend an ear to someone or their problems, you listen to them carefully and sympathetically.
e.g. They are always willing to lend anear and offer what advice they can.
If you say that something goesin one ear and out the other, you mean that someone pays no attention to it, or forgets about it immediately.
e.g. That rubbish goes in oneear and out the other.
If someone says that you will beout on yourear, they mean that you will be forced to leave a job, an organization or a place suddenly.
e.g. We never objected. We'd have been out on our ears looking for another job if we had.
If youplay by ear orplay a piece of musicby ear, you play music by relying on your memory rather than by reading printed music.
e.g. Neil played, byear, the music he'd heard his older sister practicing.
If youplay it by ear, you decide what to say or do in a situation by responding to events rather than by following a plan which you have decided on in advance.
If you areup to yourears in something, it is taking up all of your time, attention, or resources.
e.g. 'Why don't you come with me?' — 'I can't. I'm up to myears in reports.'...
e.g. He was desperate. He was in debt up to his ears.
17. to make a pig'sear of -> see pig
music to your ears -> see music
wet behind the ears -> see wet
She plays the piano entirely by ear.
If this news ever reaches her ears, she'll be furious.
He gave the boy's ear a painful tweak.
The dog's ear pricked up at the sound.
He tried to give a sympathetic ear to the patient.
They bent an ear to our request for aid.
Some people like eating the ear of wheat.
The corn will soon ear.
Soon the seedings shot up and began to ear.
用作名詞(n.)a word in sb's ear〈非正式〉悄悄話,耳語 a private talk
about one's ears徹底地,猛烈地 all round one
be all ears全神貫註地聽著,專心傾聽 listen eagerly
bring sth (down) about one's ears失敗,毀滅;(希望、計劃等)落空 to or into complete collaps, defeat, or ruin; to the destruction of a person's plans, hopes, etc.
box sb's ears打…耳光 slap sb on the side of the head
bring a storm about sb's ears引起對某人的強烈反感〔憤怒〕 cause sb to be very tiresome or angry
come out of one's ears大量 be in great excess
come to〔reach〕 one's ears讓…聽到 be made aware of
fall on deaf ears未受到重視; 未被理睬,不被聽取 not be mentioned
fall on one's ears聽起來 sound
gain the ear of得到某人的註意 get sb to listen to one
give (an) ear to傾聽,註意 listen; pay attention to
give one's ears不惜任何代價(要) make great personal sacrifice for; pay any price for
give sb a thick ear打…耳光 slap sb on the side of the head
go in one ear and out of the other左耳進,右耳出; 只當耳旁風 be not really listening
have long ears愛打聽別人的事情 be inquisitive
have one's ears burning耳朵發熱 be the subject of conversation
have the ear of(意見、看法等)得到某人重視; 被某人聽取和接受 (ideas, opinions etc.) are respected by sb
lend an ear細聽,傾聽 listen attentively
on one's ear輕率 hurriedly
play by ear憑聽覺而不是識譜來演奏音樂 play a tune which one has heard, remembered, or invented but not seen written in notes
play by earI could play by ear.
No one could play by ear.
play sth by earI can play the piano by ear, but I regret now that I never learned to read music properly.
play it by ear見機行事 judge the correct way to deal with sth as it happens, without fixed plans in advance
prick up one's ears立刻豎起耳朵仔細聽 suddenly start listening carefully
ring in one's ears言猶在耳 sound like a bell in (a space)
set by the ears使爭吵不休 lead to disharmony among people
set sb by the earsThe mere mention of the subject set the whole company by the ears.
Trying to agree where to go on holiday set the family by the ears.
shut one's ears to對…充耳不聞 pretend not to hear
strain one's ears盡力傾聽 try one's best to listen
throw out on sb's ear不客氣地把某人打發走 forcibly eject sb
throw sb out on sb's earThe drunk was making a nuisance of himself and so the manager threw him out on his ear.
turn a deaf ear to置若罔聞,裝沒聽到 pay no attention to; pretend not to hear
up to one's ears深深卷入 overwhelmed with
wet behind the ears少不更事,無所適從 inexperienced
with half an ear不專心(聽) listen inattentively
Rumours have come to my ears.
出自:H. C. JacksonThe summons in our ears was shrill.
出自:W. N. HodgsonHe listened to their difficulties with an impatient ear.
出自:fig.The little corn that had been planted withered before it came to an ear.
出自:R. GravesThe Sea..which they ear and wound With keels.
出自:Anthony Cleopatra,Shakespeare七、詞語用法
n.(名詞)ear的基本意思是“耳朵”,是可數名詞,常用復數形式。ear也可作“聽力,聽覺; 鑒賞力”解,尤指在音樂或語言方面靈敏的聽力,或分辨聲音的能力,總是用單數形式,壹般不能單獨使用,其前須加壹修飾性詞語。ear還可作“傾聽; 註意”解,總是用單數形式,但可以加不定冠詞。ear還可指稻麥等谷物的“穗”,是ear(耳朵)的同形同音異源異義詞。ear作“穗”解時,可用作單位詞,接of短語表示數量。ear的相關臨近詞