2.die主要用作不及物動詞,也可用作系動詞,接名詞或形容詞作表語,表示死時的身份或狀態。die有時也可用作及物動詞,但必須接同源名詞death作賓語, death前常可有形容詞修飾。die不用於被動結構。
3.die和副詞小品詞連用可組成短語如die away, die down, die out,均表示由大到小,由近到遠,由有到無,指燈光、火光、聲音等逐漸消失。
5.在口語中, die往往作“渴望、切望”或“強烈地感受到”解,表示壹種極度狀態,此時用現在進行時,其後可接介詞for〔of, to〕或動詞不定式。
~+名詞 die a beggar 窮困潦倒而死 die a dog's death 死得可鄙 die a glorious death 死得光榮 die a hero's death 英勇犧牲 die a martyr 死於自殺 die a worthy death 死得其所 die game 奮戰而死 die a lingering death 拖延多日才死去 die the death 死於非命 ~+形容詞 die happy 在幸福中死去 die hard 難斷氣 die old 壽終 die poor 貧困壹生 die young 中途死亡 ~+副詞 die accidentally 偶然地死去 die calmly 平靜地死去 die courageously 勇敢地死去 die daily 雖生猶死 die eventually 最終死去 die gladly 甘心死去 die gloriously 光榮地死去 die happily 快樂地死去 die immediately 立即死去 die instantly 立即死亡 die miserably 慘死 die peacefully 寧靜地死去 die possibly 可能死去 die shamefully 羞愧地死去 die slowly 慢慢地死掉 die suddenly 突然死亡 die wholly 徹底地枯萎 die away 漸漸消失 die back 雕落 die down 漸漸平息 die off 相繼死去 die out 滅絕 ~+介詞 die at 死在… die at one's post 殉職 die at the stake 受火刑而死 die by 死於… die by drowning 淹死 die by hanging 吊死 die by one's own hand 自殺 die by some poison 中毒而死 die by the sword 被劍殺 die by violence 橫死 die for 極想得到… die for a cause 為事業而死 die for lack of air 因缺空氣而死 die for one's country 殉國,為國犧牲 die for want of food 因缺乏食物而死 die from 因…而死 die from a blow 被打中而死 die from a disease 得病而死 die from an accident 死於事故 die from carelessness 由於大意而死 die from drinking too much wine 飲酒過多而死 die from eating to excess 飲食過度而死 die from hunger 饑餓而死 die from overwork 工作過度而死 die from some unknown cause 由於不明原因而死 die from weakness 衰弱而死 die in agony 痛苦而死 die in battle 戰死,陣亡 die in childbed 因分娩而死 die in harness 至死不倦 die in misery 死得淒慘 die in office 死於任職期間 die in one's bed 壽終正寢 die in one's shoes暴死 die in poverty 貧困而死 die in the last ditch 奮戰而死,戰鬥到底 die of 因…而死 die of a disease 病死 die of a fall 失足摔死 die of age 老死 die of a broken heart 失望而死 die of cholera 死於霍亂 die of cold凍死 die of consumption 死於肺結核 die of disappointment 失望而死 die of exhaustion 過度疲勞而死 die of fever 高燒而死 die of grie f悲痛而死 die of heat 熱死 die of hunger 餓死 die of illness 病死 die of overwork 累死 die of poison 中毒而死 die of poverty 因貧窮而死 die of shame 羞愧而死 die of sorrow 悲傷而死 die of the bite of a snake 蛇咬而死 die of thirs t渴死 die of a wound 受傷而死 die on 中途死亡 die on the air 漸漸消失 die on the vine 失敗 die through 由於…而死亡 die through neglect 由於不小心而死 die to 舍棄… die to criticism 不顧批評 die to insult 不顧恥辱 die to reproach 不顧責備 die to self 舍己,無我 die to shame 死不要臉 die under 在…之中死亡 die upon 死於… die with anger 氣死 die with envy 嫉妒而死 die with fatigue 過度疲勞而死 die with grief 憂郁而死 die with joy 樂死 die with laughing 狂笑而死 die with shame 羞愧而死 die within 不復存在
die away (v.+adv.)
(尤指聲音、光、風)逐漸消失或停止 become weaker or fainter until it ceases
▲die away
The sound of the music died away.音樂聲漸漸消失了。
His footsteps died away in the darkness.他的腳步聲在黑暗中漸漸消失了。
All conversation died away.談話聲漸漸靜了下來。
Now that the cheers had died away, the circus tent seemed oddly quiet.喝彩聲逐漸平靜下來後,馬戲篷裏安靜得出奇。
All his anger died away.他的滿腔怒氣漸漸平息下來。
His voice died away and he fell asleep.他漸漸地沒了聲音,睡著了。
die back(v.+adv.)
(植物)枯死但根部還活著 die but remain alive at the roots
〔說明〕 die back通常不用於進行體。
▲die back
The dahlias died back when that first cold spelled.第壹次寒潮襲來時,大麗花全都雕謝了。
The bushes may have died back in this cold autumn, but they will grow again next spring.在這寒冷的秋天,灌木可能會枯死,但明年春天還會生長起來。
die by (v.+prep.)
死於…,以…方式而死 die by means of (sth)
▲die by sth/v-ing
They who deny the power of the king shall die by the sword.誰不服從國王,就將死於劍下。
Many people have died by violence.有許多人死於暴力。
Many people died by drowning in the great floods.許多人在特大洪水中淹死了。
die down (v.+adv.)
變得越來越弱直到消失 become gradually less strong until it ceases
▲die down
The shots died down.槍聲漸漸地平息下來。
The laughter died down.笑聲漸漸地消失了。
The wind died down at last and all was quiet.風終於停了,壹切都平靜下來了。
When the hunt has died down we shall be able to leave our hiding place.追捕緩下來後我們才能離開隱藏的地方。
The excitement died down as time went by.隨著時間的推移,激動的心情逐漸平靜下來。
The feeling between them had died down.他們之間的感情已不那麽強烈了。
die for (v.+prep.)
1.為…而獻身 be prepared to die to support (an idea) or save (sb)
▲die for sb/sth
To die for the people is a glorious deed!為人民而死,雖死猶榮!
Many religious people would die for their beliefs.許多教徒都願為他們的信仰而獻身。
It used to be considered part of a young man's duty to die for his country.過去,為國捐軀壹直被認為是年輕人的壹份義務。
2.〈口〉急需(某物) want (sth) very much
〔說明〕 die for作此解時只用於現在進行時。
▲be dying for sth
It's so hot today,I'm dying for a drink.今天這麽熱,我急需喝點飲料。
I'm dying for a cup of tea.我很想喝杯茶。
He is dying for the book.他很想要這本書。
die from (v.+prep.)
死於(某種原因,不包括疾病、過度悲傷等) die following (sth, except illness or feeling)
▲die from sth
She died from a wound.她因受傷而死。
The young driver died from the wounds that he received in the road accident.這位年輕的司機在交通事故中受傷過重而死去。
The child died from her fall out of the high window.這個孩子是從窗戶摔下來而死的。
It was obvious that the man died from suffocation.很明顯,這個人死於窒息。
Five men died from police gunfire.五名男子被警察擊斃了。
In a severe winter, wild animals can die from lack of food.在寒冷的冬天,野獸可能是因為缺乏食物而被餓死。
die in (v.+prep.)
在(某事中或在某地方)死去 die during (an event) or in (a place)
▲die in sth
He died in an accident.他在壹次事故中喪生。
The young driver died in the car crash.這個年輕的司機在車禍中死去了。
Fewer people die in hospital than at home.死在醫院裏的人要少於死在家裏的人。
He watched his cigarette die in the ashtray.他看著他的煙在煙灰缸裏熄滅。
He died in his bed.他壽終正寢。
He died in his office.他死於任職期間。
die of (v.+prep.)
1.死於(疾病、過度悲傷等) die because of (sth such as an illness or feeling)
▲die of sth
He died of cancer.他死於癌癥。
The blacksmith died of the rum bottle and stroke.鐵匠死於酗酒及中風。
She died of a fever, and no one could save her.她死於高燒,誰也救不了她。
Some of his children died of undernourishment.他有幾個孩子因營養不良而死亡。
He died of his wound.他負傷而死。
My grandmother died of grief soon after her husband's death.祖父去世不久,祖母就因悲傷過度而死了。
2.強烈地感受到…,…得要命 feel (sth) very strongly
〔說明〕 die of作此解時只用於現在進行時。
▲be dying of sth
I am dying of boredom!我煩得要死!
The children are dying of curiosity to see what's in the parcel.孩子們出於好奇,迫不及待地想看看包裹中是什麽東西。
die off (v.+adv.)
(壹組生命體)壹個接壹個地死去直到死光 die one by one
〔說明〕 die off的主語是人或動物的時候用復數,用於比喻時可以是單數。
▲die off
Her friends are all dying off.她的朋友正相繼死去。
The deer in the forest are all dying off from disease.林中的鹿壹個接壹個地病死了。
The trees have been dying off during the severe winter, and there are few left.在嚴冬,樹壹棵壹棵地死掉了,剩下的寥寥無幾了。
The bamboo forest burst into flower and then died off.竹林突然開花,然後壹株壹株死掉了。
This species is dying off.該物種面臨絕種。
The rumble of thunder died off.隆隆雷聲逐漸消失。
die out (v.+adv.)
(指物種、家族、習慣、觀念等)絕跡,消失 cease to exist; disappear
▲die out
He is the last of the family; after his death the name will die out.他是他家族活在這世上的最後壹個成員,他壹死,他們家族便不復存在了。
Some species died out.有些物種滅絕了。
This kind of bird is dying out.這種鳥行將滅絕。
If too many of these rare animals are killed, their kind will die out.如果過多地屠殺這些稀有動物,它們很快就會絕跡。
Traditional grocers'shops are fast dying out now that there are so many supermarkets.由於出現了許多超級市場,傳統的雜貨店鋪正逐漸消失。
Many old customs are gradually dying out.許多舊習俗都在逐漸消失。
It's time this selfish habit died out.這種自私的習慣該消除了。
That style of music died out ten years ago.那種風格的音樂10年前就消失了。
die with (v.+prep.)
▲die with sb/sth
1.伴有…而死 die having (sth/sb)
He died with his family all around him, and with his soul at peace.全家人都在他身旁,他帶著壹顆平靜的心死去了。
The old man died with the demands that weren't met.老人帶著沒有完成的心願死去了。
She died with peace and happiness.她帶著安詳和幸福死去了。
He died with a grievance.他含冤而死。
2.隨著(某人的死)而喪失,消失 be lost at the death of (sb)
His secret died with him, and now we shall never know the truth.他的秘密隨他壹起離去,現在我們永遠也不可能知道真相了。
die by, die for, die from, die of
1.die from和die of意思相同,用die of時較多。die from壹般指害病、疲勞、負傷、饑渴、辛苦、失望等致死, die of常指飲食過度、工作過度、飲酒過量等致死。
2.die for表示為了理想、事業而獻身或因犯罪而被處死。例如:
He died for his belief.他為了自己的信仰而獻身了。
He died for the crime he had committed.他因所犯的罪行而被處死。
3.die by則多表示橫死。例如:
He died by his own hand.他自殺了。
[誤] He has died for three years.
[正] He died three years ago.
[析] die是瞬間動詞,不可與for引起的表示壹段時間的狀語搭配。
[誤] He was died three years ago.
[正] He died three years ago.
[析] die主要用作不及物動詞,不能構成被動結構。偶爾用作及物動詞時接同源名詞death作賓語。
[誤] Although they died, they have won the honour for their country.
[正] Although they are dead, they have won the honour for their country.
[析] die的過去式壹般只用在如“說明何時死的,生什麽病死的,死時年輕(富有或貧窮)等”場合,英美人習慣用be dead表示“某人已死
He is no more.
It is all over for him.
He has passed away.
He departed from this life.
He slept the final sleep.
He was numbered among the dead.
He has breathed his last.
He fell in the battle.
在英美軍人的俚語裏,還可以用:He's had it,He's bought it,He's had his time,He's handed in his chips等。