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mind [maind]


1. 頭腦2. 智力,理解力,知識3. 有才智的人,有特殊智力的人4. 記憶,回憶5. 理智;健全的心智,正常的神誌6. (區別於物質或身軀的)心,精神7. 情緒,心情,心理;思想傾向8. 想法,意見,意向,見解,主意9. 意願10. 註意力,心思11. 紀念;宗教追思彌撒12. 心理學心理,精神,思想,13. [M-]上帝,神


1. 記住;[後接從句]務必:例句: Mind their words !

記住他們的話!Mind you tell my father.

別忘了告訴我父親。2. 照料,看管;照看;照管:例句: My son can mind the store for me.

我兒子能幫我照看商店。Our neighbour is minding our dog while we're on holiday.

我們出去度假時,鄰居照看我們的狗。3. 註意;留心,當心,留神:例句: Mind that step; it's loose!

當心那塊踏板,它松開了。Mind your head!

小心別碰頭!4. 服從,聽從:例句: The child doesn't mind his sister.

這孩子不聽他姐姐的話。5. 專心於:例句: to mind one's study

專心於學習6. [多用於否定句或疑問句] 介意;反對:例句: Do you mind my closing the window?

我關窗您不會介意吧?Would you mind helping me?

請您幫個忙好嗎?7. [方言]記得:例句: I mind the time when we were in France together.

我記得我們壹起在法國的時候。8. [方言]察覺,看到,意識到:例句: He passed me without minding me.

他從我身邊走過去而沒有看見我。9. [方言]想要,意欲10. [方言]提醒,使想起


1. 註意:例句: Mind you come home before 10 o'clock.

請務必在10點以前回家。2. 當心,小心:例句: “Mind out, the dish is hot!”

“當心,菜很燙!”3. [多用於否定句或疑問句]介意;反對:例句: I don't mind at all.

我壹點也不介意。I'm sure she won't really mind.

我相信她不會真正介意的。4. 聽話:例句: My daughter minds well.

我的女兒很聽話。5. [方言]記得6. [非規範用語]要緊:例句: You've taken away our best teachers, but that did not mind.



1. a bit (或 piece) of one's mind[口語]嚴厲的責備;坦率的批評2. absence of mind心不在焉,精神不集中3. against someone's mind[廢語]違反某人的心意(或願望);沒得到某人同意[亦作 against the mind of someone 或 without the mind of someone]4. (All) great minds think alike.[口語、戲謔語]英雄所見略同。5. a meeting of (the) minds見 meeting6. a mind like a steel trap頭腦靈活,敏捷7. an easy mind無憂無慮,心境寧靜,心情輕松8. an open mind虛心9. a one-track (或 single-track) mind單壹的頭腦,把全部註意力都集中於壹個問題的頭腦;死心眼兒,狹隘而固執的思路10. a piece (或 bit) of one's mind[口語]心裏話,不客氣的話,斥責(壹般與 give 連用),坦率的批評11. apply (或 bend, give, put, set) one's mind to something專心於某事,致力於某事12. arise in one's mind湧現在頭腦裏,浮上腦海13. A sound mind in a sound body.[諺語]有健全的身體才有健全的心智。14. at (或 in) the back of someone's mind在某人腦海深處15. be a mind to[方言]意欲,想望16. be a mind to do something[方言]想做某事,打算做某事17. bear (或 have, keep) in mind

a. 記住,把…記在心裏

b. 考慮到18. be clear in one's (own) mind看得很清楚,認識得很清楚19. be in a good mind[罕用語]極有意…,很想…[常作 have a good mind]20. be in (或 of) one (或 a) mind意見壹致21. be in one's right mind精神正常;神智清醒22. be in twenty minds拿不定主意,猶豫不決,動搖起來[為 be in two minds 的加強語氣]23. be in two (或 many) minds[口語]三心二意,拿不定主意24. bend someone's mind[美國口語]在精神上對某人產生極大的影響25. be of (或 in) one (或 a) mind意見壹致;抱同樣的看法26. be of the same mind

a. 保持原來的意見

b. (兩個或兩個以上的人)意見相同[亦作 be in the same mind]27. be of two minds猶豫不決;拿不定主意;三心二意28. blow one's (或 someone's) mind

a. [俚語]

b. 使某人感到極度激動(或興奮),使某人失去理智

c. (麻醉藥物)使某人產生幻覺,經歷幻覺,引起幻覺

d. 使某人對神智失去控制

e. 使某人感到十分震驚(或詫異)29. boggle the mind[美國口語]不可理解;不可思議;難以置信30. break one's mind表白心事,剖白心跡31. bring (或 call) to mind

a. 使人回憶起

b. 記得32. cast one's mind back追憶,回想往事33. Change (或 alter) one's mind

a. 改變主意

b. 改變計劃,變卦34. change someone's mind使某人改變主意35. clear one's mind of清除;不考慮36. close one's mind to (或 on)對…不予考慮;對…置若罔聞37. come to (或 into) someone's mind出現在某人的腦海裏38. cross-bend mind

a. 猶豫不決

b. 不偏不倚,公平無私39. cross one's mind(念頭等)出現在腦中,突來念頭,領悟過來;想起[亦作 pass through one's mind]40. cross someone's mind掠過某人腦際,被某人突然想到 [亦作 flash across(或into, through) someone's mind, rush into someone's mind]41. disburden (或 unburden) one's mind (of)把心裏話說出來,傾吐心裏話42. don't mind me

a. [口語]

b. 不要管我,別為我擔心;當我不在跟前好了,妳愛怎樣就怎樣吧

c. 別對我這麽冒失43. do you mind

a. [口語]

b. 請妳…好不好,倘若…妳不見怪吧

c. [表示惱怒]請不要這樣好不好,妳太冒失了,別來這壹套好不好44. drive someone out of his mind (或 wits)使某人神經緊張不安;逼得某人發狂、發瘋45. float in the mind浮上心頭,浮現在腦海裏46. fresh in one's (或 someone's, the) mind (或 memory)記憶猶新47. frighten (或 scare) someone out of his mind (或 wits)把某人嚇得手足無措,把某人嚇得半死48. from time out of mind從太古時代起49. get one's (或 someone's) mind off something= take one's (或 someone's) mind off something50. get one's mind round something使自己弄懂某事物51. get (something) out of one's mind (或 head)暫時把某事忘掉;不去想(某事)52. give someone a bit (或 piece) of one's mind對某人直說(或直言不諱);(不客氣地)申斥(或責罵)某人;坦率地批評某人;教訓某人53. go out of one's mind發狂;發瘋;精神錯亂;精神失常54. go out of someone's mind被某人忘記55. have a good (或 great) mind (to do something)很想(做某事);很有(做某事)的意思;極有意(做某事)56. have a mind like a sieve記性不好57. have a mind like a steel trap記性很好58. have a mind of one's own[口語]有自己的看法(或願望、主張);能獨立思考;性格果斷59. have a mind (to do something)有意(做某事);想(做某事)60. have (或 keep) an open mind抱虛心態度;沒有成見;易於接受新鮮事物61. have half a mind (to do 或 to say something)打算(做某事或說什麽);有點想(做某事或說什麽);頗有意(做或說什麽)62. have…in mind

a. 記住,記得(某事)

b. 考慮到,想到(某事)

c. 打算,意欲(做某事)63. have little mind to something不很想(或不太想)做某事64. have no mind to do something不想做某事,不打算做某事65. have (或 be) on (或 upon) one's mind

a. 惦記;掛在心上

b. 為…擔心,憂慮(某事)66. have (或 keep, put, set) one's mind on something專心於某事;決心要做某事;熱衷於某事67. high mind寬宏大量,高尚的氣概68. I don't mind if I do.[口語]好的;我倒不反對。(對別人的邀請的漫不經心的接受、同意)69. if you don't mind

a. [口語]要是妳不介意(或不反對)

b. 如果妳不當心;要是妳不註意70. in one's (或 the) mind's eye見 eye71. in one's right mind精神正常,神誌清醒 [亦作 of sound mind]72. I shouldn't mind…[口語]我倒不反對…,我倒願意…,…倒也不錯73. keep (或 bear) in mind記住,不忘記74. keep mind[蘇格蘭英語]想起,記住75. keep (或 have, put, set) one's mind on (或 upon) something專心於某事;決心要做某事,熱衷於某事76. know one's own mind[口語]有自己明確的想法(或願望);有決斷,果斷,堅定不移77. let someone know (或 tell someone) one's mind坦率地把自己的意見告訴某人78. lose one's mind發狂;發瘋;精神錯亂79. maintain an open mind on something願意聽取並考慮別人對某事的見解,對某事采取虛心的態度80. make someone's mind easy使某人安心(或放心);使某人的心平靜下來[亦作 make someone easy in his mind 或 set someone's mind at rest]81. make up one's mind

a. 下定決心,打定主意

b. 接受,承認(無法變更或避免的事實)(to)82. Many men, many minds.見 man?83. meeting of (the) minds意見壹致84. mind away[口語]讓開,讓我過去,請讓壹讓[亦作 mind your back]85. mind one's P's and Q's見P86. mind the shop (或[美國英語] store)

a. 照看鋪子

b. 獨立照料事務87. mind you

a. [用作插入語]

b. 請聽清楚,請註意

c. 說真的88. mind your back= mind away89. never mind

a. [口語]

b. 不用擔心,不關妳的事

c. 不要緊,沒關系,別提了

d. 不用了,別費事啦

e. 別管

f. [口語]更不用說,更談不上90. never you mind[口語]不關妳的事;不告訴妳91. not in one's right mind發瘋,精神失常92. occupy one's mind使某人全神貫註,吸引住某人的註意力93. off someone' mind不用擱在某人心上,被某人置於腦後,被某人忘懷94. of the same mind

a. 意見相同

b. 保持原來的意見95. of unsound mind法律精神失常的(因而不對自己的行為負責)96. one's mind is (或 runs) on something想著某事,關心某事,對某事感興趣97. on (或 upon) one's mind

a. 掛在心上,惦記

b. (使)擔心,(使)焦慮,操心 (常與 be, have 連用)98. open mind虛心的態度,沒有成見的態度(與 have, maintain, 或 keep連用)99. open one's mind to向…敞開思想,願意考慮100. open the mind擴大眼界,打開思路,增長見識101. out of one's mind

a. 精神錯亂,發狂

b. [口語]酩酊大醉,神魂顛倒,精神恍惚102. out of one's tiny mind瘋狂,瘋狂之極103. Out of sight, out of mind.見sight104. pass (或 go) out of someone's mind被某人忘卻105. pay no mind (或 not to pay any mind)[美國口語]不註意,不在乎,不把…放在心上,不理睬,不關心106. pissed out of one's mind= stoned out of one's mind107. poison someone's mind against使某人對…產生惡感108. presence of mind鎮定,沈著,方寸不亂109. present to the mind至今歷歷在目,記得清清楚楚110. prey (或 weigh) on (或 upon) someone's mind使某人苦惱,緊緊壓在某人心頭111. put…in mind of someone (或 something)(指因外貌等相像或情況類似)使…想起某人(或某事)112. put (或 set) one's mind to專心於…,全神貫註於…113. put out of one's mind忘卻,把…置於腦後114. put someone in mind (of a person 或 thing)提醒某人,使某人記起(或想起)115. put someone's mind at rest (或 ease)[口語]使某人放心,使某人安心116. read someone's mind知道某人在想什麽,看出某人的心思117. run in one's mind (或 head)(思想等)縈繞腦際,不能忘懷118. rush into (或 through) someone's mind掠過某人心頭,湧現某人腦際119. set one's mind (或 heart) on (或 upon)決心要,很想,壹心想,切望,對…念念不忘120. set one's mind on決心要,壹心想,121. set (或 put) someone's mind at rest (或 ease)使某人安心(或放心)122. shut one's mind to (或 on) something對某事置若罔聞,不想去理解某事,拒絕接受(或承認)某事123. sick in mind and body身心皆病124. single mind (或 heart)壹心壹意,性格單純125. sink into the mind (或 memory) of someone使某人銘記在心,深深印在某人腦海裏[亦作 sink into someone's mind (或 memory)]126. slip someone's mind遺忘,被某人忘卻127. speak one's mind (out)坦率地說出自己的想法,把心裏話痛快地說出來,暢所欲言128. split mind病理學精神分裂癥129. stoned out of one's mind[俚語](因喝酒或吸毒而)大醉130. take one's mind off something不想某事,移開對某事的註意力,轉移對某事的註意,使自己暫時忘卻某事131. task someone's mind使某人傷腦筋(或絞盡腦汁)132. The mind boggles.[口語]真是令人難以想像!真是令人難以置信!133. to one's mind

a. 在某人看來,根據某人的意見,如某人所想

b. 合某人的心意,合某人的口味,為某人所喜歡134. troubled in (one's) mind內心不安,心中憂慮135. turn one's mind to something把註意力轉向某事,把思想移到某事上136. turn something over in one's mind (或 head)對某事反復考慮,反復思考某事137. unburden one's mind傾訴衷情,把心裏話說出來138. uppermost in someone's mind (或 in the mind of someone)成為某人考慮(或想念)的中心;在某人頭腦裏占主要的地位139. wander in one's mind神誌昏迷,說胡話140. weigh (或prey)on (或 upon) someone's mind使某人苦惱,緊緊壓在某人心頭141. with…in mind考慮到…142. with one mind同心同德地;全體壹致地143. Would (或 Do)you mind…?[口語]請妳…好不好?妳反對…麽?…可以麽?

以上來源於: 《21世紀大英漢詞典》