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During the process of pleting this report

we have e across an experience in which we learnt a lot. When

after the interciew

we tried to take a picture of him. Despite our continuous pleads

he refused to be photographed. At last

we took a picture of him far away. Also

when we distributed questionnaires to pedestri

we were never-endingly turned down. However

we scarcely flinched from such a difficulty. We tried again and again. We have understood that we are often firmly rejected in the society. This will help us get along with people. Also

we have learnt the importance of unity and cooperation through suitable division of work

which enables all of us to give our strengths into full play. For example

the person who is good at anisation would outline the report. The person good at munication would interview the shopkeeper. The person talented in summarisation would sum up the information. The person good at expressing ideas would do the presentation. Good munication beeen each other is also important as this avoid unecessary arguments

thus allowing the process to go *** oothly. Through this project

not only have we elevated our munication

cooperation and problem solving skills

but we have also learnt an invaluable lesson which is greatly beneficial when we step into the munity. 意見: 您肯定是商業社會嗎?如果是的話,在munity前面加上mercial. 別人拒絕拍照,您不但再三請求,還遠遠的拍了他。這樣不但不會顯出您的辛勤,好像會使人家對您的印象不好呢。 另外,您的中文很厲害啊!

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