1. Syllable : SYL n.
One or more letters which together form one sound?
2. Monosyllable :SYL n.?
A word of one syllable; as “no”?
3. Syllogism : SYL n.?
A formal argument with a major and minor premise and a conclusion?
4. Syllogist :SYL n.?
One skilled in syllogistic reasoning?
5. System :SYS n.?
A planned arrangement of procedures; method?
6. Systematic : SYS adj.?
Arranged methodically according to a system?
7. Symbol : SYM n.?
Something that stands as a visible sign of something else; as, a lion is a symbol of courage?
8. Symbolize : SYM n.?
A balanced arrangement insize and form?
10. Symmetrical : SYM adj.?
Arranged in interchangeable parts?
11. Sympathy : SYM n.?
Going along with others in feeling; as, sympathy for the homeless?
12. Sympathetic : SYM adj.?
Having mutual feelings; as, sympathy for others?
13. Symphony : SYM n.?
A harmony of sound; musicians playing in harmony?
14. Synchronize : SYN v.?
To make happen at the same time?
15. Syncopation : SYN n.?
A temporary displacement of the regular accent?
16. Syndactyl : SYN adj.?
Having webbed feet; as, ducks?
17. Syndicate : SYN n.?
An association of persons for business?
18. Syndrome : SYN n.?
Signs and symptoms coming together at the same time?
19. Synonym : SYN n. Two words which have practically the same meaning; as, system and method?
20. Synthesis : SYN n.?
A combination of parts to form a whole.SYN takes you along with your best.?