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These?ROOT-WORDS?are the Prefixes?SYS, SYL, SYM & SYN?all meaning?WITH, TOGETHER & ALONG WITH. SYL is used before the letter l. SYM is used before the letter m. SYN is used before the letter n. It’s the old story of assimilation and labials causing the changes for the sake of euphony. Remember?

1. Syllable : SYL n.

One or more letters which together form one sound?

2. Monosyllable :SYL n.?

A word of one syllable; as “no”?

3. Syllogism : SYL n.?

A formal argument with a major and minor premise and a conclusion?

4. Syllogist :SYL n.?

One skilled in syllogistic reasoning?

5. System :SYS n.?

A planned arrangement of procedures; method?

6. Systematic : SYS adj.?

Arranged methodically according to a system?

7. Symbol : SYM n.?

Something that stands as a visible sign of something else; as, a lion is a symbol of courage?

8. Symbolize : SYM n.?

A balanced arrangement insize and form?

10. Symmetrical : SYM adj.?

Arranged in interchangeable parts?

11. Sympathy : SYM n.?

Going along with others in feeling; as, sympathy for the homeless?

12. Sympathetic : SYM adj.?

Having mutual feelings; as, sympathy for others?

13. Symphony : SYM n.?

A harmony of sound; musicians playing in harmony?

14. Synchronize : SYN v.?

To make happen at the same time?

15. Syncopation : SYN n.?

A temporary displacement of the regular accent?

16. Syndactyl : SYN adj.?

Having webbed feet; as, ducks?

17. Syndicate : SYN n.?

An association of persons for business?

18. Syndrome : SYN n.?

Signs and symptoms coming together at the same time?

19. Synonym : SYN n. Two words which have practically the same meaning; as, system and method?

20. Synthesis : SYN n.?

A combination of parts to form a whole.SYN takes you along with your best.?