整句為:get
excited
by
the
result.
意思是這個結果弄得我很激動。
其次,看妳這兒的選項,沒有by?
而of
可能是不太適合,因為沒有adj
+
of
+
the
N.的結構,除非
是固定搭配的adj.
經查相關字典,確實很難找到有at
\
about
\
for
這三個介詞的在此處的用法區別,但字典都有舉例,且在同壹詞條下。
以下是來自牛津高級學者字典的解釋(Oxford
Advaned
Learner‘s
Dictionary)
~
(about
/
at
/
by
sth)
~
(to
do
sth)
feeling
or
showing
happiness
and
enthusiasm:
The
children
were
excited
about
opening
their
presents.
*
I'm
really
excited
at
the
prospect
of
working
abroad.
*
Don't
get
too
excited
by
the
sight
of
your
name
in
print.
*
He
was
very
excited
to
be
asked
to
play
for
Wales.
*
The
new
restaurant
is
nothing
to
get
excited
about
(=
not
particularly
good).
*
An
excited
crowd
of
people
gathered
around
her.
->
憑個人理解:+
at
...指具體的某個地方,某個時間,某件小事;+
about
...接人稱的比較多;+by...接結果事件類的比較多,當然+
to
do
sth.也是接的事件。
最後,推薦個人妳使用
by
.同時給妳壹個例句:It's
hard
not
to
get
excited
by
these
results
(意思為:這個結果令我高興,不高興都不行.
我也希望我的回答令妳高興。
有問題還可以再討論再問