當前位置:成語大全網 - 新華字典 - 英語大約有多少常用單詞?


大概3000個。下面是常見的3000英語單詞按使用頻率從高到低進行排列的,因為它是按國外英語單詞的實際使用頻率進行統計的,可能不太適合在中國的英語單詞實際使用頻率,但它有助妳了解英語單詞的實際使用情況。 可是前提是必須是非常熟練的應用,壹般把英語作為第二語言的人都不可能達到熟練應用的地步,所以還是多認識幾個單詞吧。


1 the

2 be

3 of

4 and

5 a

6 to

7 in

8 he

9 have

10 it

11 that

12 for

13 they

14 I

15 with

16 as

17 not

18 on

19 she

20 at

21 by

22 this

23 we

24 you

25 do

26 but

27 from

28 or

29 which

30 one

31 would

32 all

33 will

34 there

35 say

36 who

37 make

38 when

39 can

40 more

41 if

42 no

43 man

44 out

45 other

46 so

47 what

48 time

49 up

50 go

51 about

52 than

53 into

54 could

55 state

56 only

57 new

58 year

59 some

60 take

61 come

62 these

63 know

64 see

65 use

66 get

67 like

68 then

69 first

70 any

71 work

72 now

73 may

74 such

75 give

76 over

77 think

78 most

79 even

80 find

81 day

82 also

83 after

84 way

85 many

86 must

87 look

88 before

89 great

90 7 back

91 through

92 long

93 where

94 much

95 should

96 well

97 people

98 down

99 own

100 just