當前位置:成語大全網 - 新華字典 - 劍橋少兒英語考試教材:劍橋少兒英語壹級下冊單詞表


Unit1 School Opening Day!

Don?t worry! Have fun! holiday greet introduce better crayon rubber exercise picture lemonade toilet paer radio

Unit2 ?Doing? English in the classroom

drink plant time fod sport number sea beach bean jeans leaf meat pea

Unit3 Lunch in the garden

lunch garden menu ice cream sausage fresh no problem come on hungry help yourself fries park farm card onion noodles beer cookie pizza sandwich often sometimes never

Unit4 We are having an English class.

small baby big long short shell reader painter writer dancer speaker walker singer runner farmer cleaner teacher swimmer late ask a question

Unit5 Let?s play with letters.

dress up flag birthday circle dirty clap bend iron queue

Unit6 More fun at ?Word Factory?

factory wait just a minute ready corn cork porter dorm fork horn torch story

Unit7 I like this reading room.

pardon cartoon hockey badminton basketbal tennis

Unit8 Our colour fair

learn smart by heart balloon parrot paint rainbow rain

Unit9 Let?s smell the flowers.

butterfly shine bounce cloud round

Unit10 Numbers in our lives.

double zero wall hall fall call hallway mall

Unit11 A visit to the park of opposites

happy angry new old cool clown crowd sow town up down back front hot cold left right day night quick slow

Unit12 I like paper-folding lessons.

easy sticky tape scissors hare fare mare pare flare bare hardware care

Unit13 Happy Children?s Day!

Policeman cross the street best spell puppet table tennis turkey purse fur surf

Unit14 A birthday party

birthday party light candles present make a wish blow out

Unit15 Fun in the playground

playground mimic

Unit16 I can! You can! Everybody can!

pin luck chant mime action germ soap trick shape
