else 在牛津字典中沒有形容詞的意思啊 可是what else somethibg else
1.ADJ?You use?else?after words such as "anywhere," "someone," and "what" to refer in a vague way to another person, place, or thing. (不確指人、處、事) 別的例:If I can't make a living at painting, at least I can teach someone else to paint.如果我不能以畫畫謀生的話,至少我能教別人畫畫。例:We had nothing else to do on those long trips.在那些漫長的旅途中我們別無他事可做。2.ADV?Else?is also an adverb. 其他地例:I never wanted to live anywhere else.我從未想要到其他任何地方去住。3.ADJ?You use?else?after words such as "everyone," "everything," and "everywhere" to refer in a vague way to all the other people, things, or places except the one you are talking about. 其他的例:As I try to be truthful, I expect everyone else to be truthful.因為我努力做到誠實,所以我期望每個其他也都誠實。