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n. 1 continuous, esp trivial, chatter (不斷的)閑談, 聊天(尤指瑣事): Stop your gab! 別閑聊了! 2 (idm 習語) the gift of the gab => gift.

v. chatter about unimportant things 閑談; 聊天: They've been gabbing (away) on the phone for nearly an hour. 他們通過電話聊天已經快壹小時了.


n [U] fast unintelligible speech 急促而含糊的話: He speaks at such a gabble! 他說話嘰哩咕嚕的!


n 1 flock (of geese) (鵝)群. 2 (fig 比喻) group of noisy or talkative people 壹群(喧嘩或多話的人): a gaggle of tourists, schoolchildren, etc 壹群喧鬧的遊客, 小學生等.


n [U] merriment; cheerfulness; being gay(2) 快樂; 歡樂; 愉快: The colourful flags added to the gaiety of the occasion. 彩旗給這次盛會增添了歡樂的氣氛. Cf 參看 gayness (gay).


=> gay.


n 1 [U] increase in wealth; profit; advantage 財富的增加; 利潤; 利益: One man's loss is another man's gain. 壹人之失即是他人之得. * We hope for some gain from our investment. 我們希望投資有利可圖. 2 [C] increase in amount or power; improvement 數量或力量的增加; 增進: a gain in weight of two pounds 體重增加兩磅 * Heavy gains were recorded on the Stock Exchange today. 今日股票價格大幅上升.


adj [usu attrib 通常作定語] profitable; bringing wealth 有利益的; 帶來財富的: gainful employment 有報酬的工作. gainfully adv profitably; usefully 有利益地; 有用地.


n, social, sporting or theatrical occasion with special features (社交、 體育、 戲劇等的)特別場合, 盛會: a swimming gala 遊泳運動會 * [attrib 作定語] a gala dinner, night, performance 聯歡宴會、 晚會、 演出會.


n. act of gambolling 跳躍; 蹦跳.